The Dark Side of the Universe - DSU2024


K. Olive, C. Balazs, G. Belanger, D. Delepine, P. Dunsby, J. Hamann, S. Heinemeyer, J. Kersten, S. Khalil, P. Ko, D.E. López-Fogliani, Y. Mambrini, M. Musso, C. Muñoz, P. Salucci, Q. Shafi, F. Takayama, Y-F. Zhou

K. Anagnostopoulos, V. Keus, G. Leontaris, E. Saridakis, N. Toumbas, G. Zoupanos

S. Abel (Durham U) I. Doršner (U Split, FESB) S. Mukohyama (Kyoto U)
B. Acharya (ICTP & King's College) B. Dragovich (Inst Physics, Serbia) H. Murayama (U C Berkeley)
S.L. Adler (IAS, Princeton) P. Draper (U Illinois)* N. Nagata (Tokyo U)
B. Allanach (DAMPT Cambridge) P. Dunsby (U Cape Town)* P. Nath (Northeastern U)
L. Amendola (Heidelberg U ) S. Ellis (U Geneva) N. Obers (Niels Bohr Inst)*
I. Antoniadis (LPTHE Sorbonne) J. Erler (U Mainz) N. Okada (U Alabama)
M. Aoki (Kanazawa U) P. Fayet (Ecole Normale Sup)* K. Olive (U Minessota)
S. Argyropoulos (CERN) E. Ferreira (IPMU) P. Osland (Bergen U)*
A. Avgoustidis (Nottingham U ) C. Frenk (Durham U) F. Pace (U Torino)*
C. Bachas (Ecole Normale Sup) W. Giare (U Sheffield) A. Padilla (Nottingham U)
H. Baer (Oklohoma U )* M. Gomez (Cat U Ciencias Int) K. Pallis (AUTh)
C. Balazs (U of Monash) S. Gori (UC Santa Cruz) E. Peinado (Mexico U)
G. Ballesteros (U Aut Madrid) B. Grzadkowski (Warsaw U) L. Perivolaropoulos (U Ioannina)*
K. Bamba (Fykushima U)* T. Hambye (U Libre Brussels) T. Plehn (Heidelberg U)
R. Beaton (Princeton U) L. Heisenberg (ETH)* S. Pokorski (Warsaw U)
G. Belanger (LAPTH, Annecy) J. Heisig (RWTH Aachen U) M. Quirós (IFAE, Madrid)*
N. Bell (U Melbourne) A. Hell (IPMU) A. Ritz (Victoria U )*
T. Binder (Tech U Munich) J. Hernandez-Sanchez (BUAP, Mexico) Y. Semertzidis (IBS)
D. Blas (UAB/IFAE) J. Hisano (Nagoya U)* L. Senatore (ETH Zurich)
F. Bouchet (IAP) D. Hooper (U Helsinki)* Q. Shafi (U Delaware)
M. Bruni (U Portsmouth)* A. Ibarra (Tech U Munich)* D. Shih (Rutgers U )
O. Buchmueller (Imperial College) K. Kannike (NICPB, Tallinn) O. Slone (New York U)
M. Carena (FNAL) S. Khalil (Zewail City of Sci & Tech) G. Starkman (Case Western R U)
D. Cerdeño (U Autonoma Madrid) S. King (U Southampton) S. Sypsas (Chulalongkorn U)
K. Choi (KAIST, Taejon) I. Klebanov (Princeton U)* M. Van Putten (KIAS)
E.J. Chun (KIAS) P. Ko (KIAS) A. Vikman (Czech Acad Sci)
E. Copeland (Nottingham U) A. Kobakhidze (U Sydney) A. Vincent (Queen's U)
L. Covi (U Goettingen) J. Kubo (Toyama U) O. Vives (U Valencia)
P. Cox (U Melbourne) G. Lichtenstein (Sydney CPPC)* C. Wagner (Argonne Nat Lab)
M. Dainotti (NAO Japan) M. Lindner (MPI Heidelberg) K. Watanabe (U Texas)
A. De Roeck (CERN) N. Mahmoudi (Lyon U)* N. Weiner (New York U)*
V. De Romeri (IFIC, Valencia) Y. Mambrini (LPTH, Orsay) R. Woodard (U Florida)
A. Dey (STP, DIAS) N. Mavromatos (NTUA) Y.-L. Zhou (HIAS, UCAS)
E. Di Valentino (Sheffield U) S. Moretti (U Southampton)  
K. Dialektopoulos (Transilvania U, Brasov) D. Mota (Oslo U )  

(*): to be confirmed.
Workshop speakers will also be selected among the participating young scientists


DSU series page

  • Registered Participants: TBA
  • Sep 08: Arrival/Registration day.
  • Sep 14: Final day of scientific events.
  • Detailed Programme: TBA

Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece
(click here for a larger map, for a menu click on the top left icon of the map, GPS: geo:39.606101,19.926115)

Guaranteed hotel availability is for a very limited time! Please make your hotel reservations ASAP!

Please register using the registration page, which is common for all Corfu events. The registration fee is 300€. For young researchers (students and 1st year postdocs) it is 200€. Payments may be transferred to the NTUA bank account shown in this form and the receipt emailed to Mrs Ifigeneia Moraiti.