ZLIB Coding Functions

This section describes Intel IPP data compression functions that implement compression methods and data formats defined by the following specifications: [RFC1950], [RFC1951], and [RFC1952]. These formats are also known as ZLIB, DEFLATE, and GZIP, respectively.

A basic algorithm for these data compression methods is based on the Lempel-Ziv (LZ77) [Ziv77] dictionary-based compression.

The structure of ZLIB data is schematically shown in Figure "ZLIB Data Structure".

Figure "Encoding Data Block with Intel IPP ZLIB Functions" and Figure "Decoding Data Block with Intel IPP ZLIB Functions" show the schemes of applying the Intel IPP ZLIB functions for encoding and decoding, respectively. The functions which names are bolded are the mandatory functions for the specified stage.

ZLIB Data Structure

Encoding Data Block with Intel IPP ZLIB Functions

Decoding Data Block with Intel IPP ZLIB Functions

The full version of the zlib library based on the Intel IPP is presented as the Intel IPP Sample downloadable form http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/perflib/ipp/index.htm.

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