Physics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 15780 Zografou,
and the
Book Website:
©Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos 2014, 2016
First Published 2014
Second Edition 2016
Cover: Design by K.N. Anagnostopoulos. The front cover picture is a snapshot taken during Monte Carlo simulations of hexatic membranes. Work done with Mark J. Bowick. Relevant video at
This book and its cover(s) are subject to copyright. They are licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
The book is accompanied by software available at the book’s website. All the software, unless the copyright does not belong to the author, is open source, covered by the GNU public license, see This is explicitly mentioned at the end of the respective source files.
ISBN 978-1-365-58322-3 (, vol. I)
ISBN 978-1-365-58338-4 (, vol. II)
The book’s website is at
From there, you can can download the accompanying software, which
contains, among other things, all the programs presented in the book.
Some conventions: Text using the font shown below refers to commands given using a shell (the “command line”), input and output of programs, code written in Fortran (or any other programming language), as well as to names of files and programs:
When a line starts with the prompt
then the text that follows is a command, which can be given from the command line of a terminal. The second line, Hello World, is the output of the command.
The contents of a file with C++ code is listed below:
What you need in order to work on your PC:
If you have installed a GNU/Linux distribution on your computer, all of the above can be installed easily. For example, in a Debian like distribution (Ubuntu, ...) the commands
install all the necessary tools.
If you don’t wish to install GNU/Linux on your computer, you can try the following:
This book has been out “in the wild” for more than two years. Since then, its pdf version has been downloaded 2-5000 times/month from the main server and has a few thousand hits from sites that offer science e-books for free. I have also received positive feedback from students and colleagues from all over the world and that gave me the encouragement to devote some time to create a C++ version of the book. As far as scientific programming is concerned, the material has not changed apart from some typo and error corrections8 .
I have to make it clear that by using this book you will not learn much on the advanced features of C++. Scientific computing is usually simple at its core and, since it must be made efficient and accurate, it needs to go down to the lowest levels of programming. This also partly the reason of why I chose to use Fortran for the core programming in the first edition of the book: It is a language designed for numerical programming and high performance computing in mind. It is simple and a scientist or engineer can go directly into programming her code. C++ is not designed for scientific applications9 in mind and this reflects on some trivial omissions in its standard. Still, many scientific groups are now using C++ for programming and the C++ compilers have improved quite a lot. There is still an advantage in performance using a Fortran compiler on a supercomputer, but this is not going to last for much longer.
Still, for a scientist, the programming language is a tool to solve her scientific problems. One should not bind herself to a specific language. The treasures of today are the garbage of tomorrow, and the time scale for this happening is small in today’s computing environments. What has really lasting value is the ability to solve problems using a computer and this is what needs to be emphasized. Consistent with this idea is that, in the course of reading this book, you will also learn how to make your C++ code interact with code written in Fortran, like in the case of the popular library Lapack. This will improve your “multilingual skills” and flexibility with interacting with legacy code.
The good news for us scientists is that numerical code usually needs simple data structures and programming is similar in any language. It was simple for me to “translate” my book from Fortran to C++. Unfortunately I will not touch on all this great stuff in true object oriented programming but you may be happy to know that you will most likely not need it10 .
So, I hope that you will enjoy using my book and I remind you that I love fan mail and I appreciate comments/corrections/suggestions sent to me. Now, if you want to learn about the structure and educational procedure in this book, read the foreword to the first edition, otherwise skip to the real fun of solving scientific problems numerically.
Athens, 2016.
This book is the culmination of my ten years’ experience in teaching three introductory, undergraduate level, scientific computing/computational physics classes at the National Technical University of Athens. It is suitable mostly for junior or senior level science courses, but I am currently teaching its first chapters to sophomores without a problem. A two semester course can easily cover all the material in the book, including lab sessions for practicing.
Why another book in computational physics? Well, when I started teaching those classes there was no bibliography available in Greek, so I was compelled to write lecture notes for my students. Soon, I realized that my students, majoring in physics or applied mathematics, were having a hard time with the technical details of programming and computing, rather than with the physics concepts. I had to take them slowly by the hand through the “howto” of computing, something that is reflected in the philosophy of this book. Hoping that this could be useful to a wider audience, I decided to translate these notes in English and put them in an order and structure that would turn them into “a book”.
I also decided to make the book freely available on the web. I was partly motivated by my anger caused by the increase of academic (e)book prices to ridiculous levels during times of plummeting publishing costs. Publishers play a diminishing role in academic publishing. They get an almost ready-made manuscript in electronic form by the author. They need to take no serious investment risk on an edition, thanks to print-on-demand capabilities. They have virtually zero cost ebook publishing. Moreover, online bookstores have decreased costs quite a lot. Academic books need no advertisement budget, their success is due to their academic reputation. I don’t see all of these reflected on reduced book prices, quite the contrary, I’m afraid.
My main motivation, however, is the freedom that independent publishing would give me in improving, expanding and changing the book in the future. It is great to have no length restrictions for the presentation of the material, as well as not having to report to a publisher. The reader/instructor that finds the book long, can read/print the portion of the book that she finds useful for her.
This is not a reference book. It uses some interesting, I hope, physics problems in order to introduce the student to the fundamentals of solving a scientific problem numerically. At the same time, it keeps an eye in the direction of advanced and high performance scientific computing. The reader should follow the instructions given in each chapter, since the book teaches by example. Several skills are taught through the solution of a particular problem. My lectures take place in a (large) computer lab, where the students are simultaneously doing what I am doing (and more). The program that I am editing and the commands that I am executing are shown on a large screen, displaying my computer monitor and actions live. The book provides no systematic teaching of a programming language or a particular tool. A very basic introduction is given in the first chapter and then the reader learns whatever is necessary for the solution of her problem. There is more than one way to do it11 and the problems can be solved by following a basic or a fancy way, depending on the student’s computational literacy. The book provides the necessary tools for both. A bibliography is provided at the end of the book, so that the missing pieces of a puzzle can be sought in the literature.
This is also not a computational physics playground. Of course I hope that the reader will have fun doing what is in the book, but my goal is to provide an experience that will set the solid foundation for her becoming a high performance computing, number crunching, heavy duty data analysis expert in the future. This is why the programming language of the core numerical algorithms has been chosen to be Fortran, a highly optimized, scientifically oriented, programming language. The computer environment is set in a Unix family operating system, enriched by all the powerful GNU tools provided by the FSF12 . These tools are indispensable in the complicated data manipulation needed in scientific research, which requires flexibility and imagination. Of course, Fortran is not the best choice for heavy duty object oriented programming, and is not optimal for interacting with the operating system. The philosophy13 is to let Fortran do what is best for, number crunching, and leave data manipulation and file administration to external, powerful tools. Tools, like awk, shell scripting, gnuplot, Perl and others, are quite powerful and complement all the weaknesses of Fortran mentioned before. The plotting program is chosen to be gnuplot, which provides very powerful tools to manipulate the data and create massive and complicated plots. It can also create publication quality plots and contribute to the “fun part” of the learning experience by creating animations, interactive 3d plots etc. All the tools used in the book are open source software and they are accessible to everyone for free. They can be used in a Linux environment, but they can also be installed and used in Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
The other hard part in teaching computational physics to scientists and engineers is to explain that the approach of solving a problem numerically is quite different from solving it analytically. Usually, students of this level are coming with a background in analysis and fundamental physics. It is hard to put them into the mode of thinking about solving a problem using only additions, multiplications and some logical operations. The hardest part is to explain the discretization of a model defined analytically, which can be done in many ways, depending on the accuracy of the approximation. Then, one has to extrapolate the numerical solution, in order to obtain a good approximation of the analytic one. This is done step by step in the book, starting with problems in simple motion and ending with discussing finite size scaling in statistical physics models in the vicinity of a continuous phase transition.
The book comes together with additional material which can be found at the web page of the book14 . The accompanying software contains all the computer programs presented in the book, together with useful tools and programs solving some of the exercises of each chapter. Each chapter has problems complementing the material covered in the text. The student needs to solve them in order to obtain hands on experience in scientific computing. I hope that I have already stressed enough that, in order for this book to be useful, it is not enough to be read in a café or in a living room, but one needs to do what it says.
Hoping that this book will be useful to you as a student or as an instructor, I would like to ask you to take some time to send me feedback for improving and/or correcting it. I would also appreciate fan mail or, if you are an expert, a review of the book. If you use the book in a class, as a main textbook or as supplementary material, I would also be thrilled to know about it. Send me email at and let me know if I can publish, anonymously or not, (part of) what you say on the web page (otherwise I will only use it privately for my personal ego-boost). Well, nothing is given for free: As one of my friends says, some people are payed in dollars and some others in ego-dollars!
Have fun computing scientifically!
Athens, 2014.
The aim of this chapter is to lay the grounds for the development of the computational skills which are necessary in the following chapters. It is not an in depth exposition but a practical training by example. For a more systematic study of the topics discussed, we refer to the bibliography. Many of the references are freely available n the web.
The are many choices that one has to make when designing a computer project. These depend on the needs for numerical efficiency, on available programming hours, on the needs for extensibility and upgradability and so on. In this book we will get the flavor of a project that is mostly scientifically and number crunching oriented. One has to make the best of the available computing resources and have powerful tools available for a productive analysis of the data. Such an environment, found in most of today’s supercomputers, that offers flexibility, dependability, simplicity, powerful tools for data analysis and effective compilers is provided by the family of the Unix operating systems. The GNU/Linux operating system is a Unix variant that is freely available and most of its utilities are open source software. The voluntary work of millions of excellent programmers worldwide has built the most stable, fastest and highest quality software available for scientific computing today. Thanks to the idea of the open source software pioneered by Richard Stallman1 this giant collaboration has been made possible.
Another choice that we have to make is the programming language. In this edition of the book we will be programming in C++. C++ is a language with very high level of abstraction designed for projects where modular programming and the use of complicated data structures is of very high priority. A large and complicated project should be divided into independent programming tasks (modules), where each task contains everything that it needs and does not interfere with the functionality of other modules. Although it has not been designed for high performance numerical applications, it is becoming more and more popular in the recent years.
C++, as well as other languages like C, Java and Fortran, is a language that needs to be compiled by a compiler. Other languages, like python, perl, awk, shell scripting, Macsyma, Mathematica, Octave, Matlab, , are interpreted line by line. These languages can be simple in their use, but they can be prohibitively slow when it comes to a numerically demanding program. A compiler is a tool that analyzes the whole program and optimizes the computer instructions executed by the computer. But if programming time is more valuable, then a simple, interpreted language can lead to faster results.
Another choice that we make in this book, and we mention it because it is not the default in most Linux distributions, is the choice of shell. The shell is a program that “connects” the user to the operating system. In this book, we will teach how to use a shell2 to “send” commands to the operating system, which is the most effective way to perform complicated tasks. We will use the shell tcsh, although most of the commands can be interpreted by most popular shells. Shell scripting is simpler in this shell, although shells like bash provide more powerful tools, mostly needed for complicated system administration tasks. That may cause a small inconvenience to some readers, since tcsh is not preinstalled in Linux distributions3 .
The Unix family of operating systems offer an environment where complicated tasks can be accomplished by combining many different tools, each of which performs a distinct task. This way, one can use the power of each tool, so that trivial but complicated parts of a calculation don’t have to be programmed. This makes the life of a researcher much easier and much more productive, since research requires from us to try many things before we understand how to compute what we are looking for.
In the Unix operating system everything is a file, and files are organized in a unique and unified filesystem. Documents, pictures, music, movies, executable programs are files. But also directories or devices, like hard disks, monitors, mice, sound cards etc, are, from the point of view of the operating system, files. In order for a music file to be played by your computer, the music data needs to be written to a device file, connected by the operating system to the sound card. The characters you type in a terminal are read from a file “the keyboard”, and written to a file “the monitor” in order to be displayed. Therefore, the first thing that we need to understand is the structure of the Unix filesystem.
There is at least one path in the filesystem associated with each file. There are two types of paths, relative paths and absolute paths. These are two examples:
The paths shown above may refer to the same or a different file. This depends on “where we are”. If “we are” in the directory /home/george, then both paths refer to the same file. If on the other way “we are” in a directory /home/john or /home/george/CompPhys, then the paths refer4 to two different files. In the last two cases, the paths refer to the files
respectively. How can we tell the difference? An absolute path always begins with the / character, whereas a relative path does not. When we say that “we are in a directory”, we refer to a position in the filesystem called the current directory, or working directory. Every process in the operating system has a unique current directory associated with it.
The filesystem is built on its root and looks like a tree positioned upside down. The symbol of the root is the character / The root is a directory. Every directory is a file that contains a list of files, and it is connected to a unique directory, its parent directory . Its list of files contains other directories, called its subdirectories, which all have it as their parent directory. All these files are the contents of the directory. Therefore, the filesystem is a tree of directories with the root directory at its top which branch to its subdirectories, which in their turn branch into other subdirectories and so on. There is practically no limit to how large this tree can become, even for a quite demanding environment5 .
A path consists of a string of characters, with the characters / separating its components, and refers to a unique location in the filesystem. Every component refers to a file. All, but the last one, must be directories in a hierarchy, from parent directory to subdirectory. The only exception is a possible / in the beginning, which refers to the root directory. Such an example can be seen in figure 1.1.
In a Unix filesystem there is complete freedom in the choice of the location of the files6 . Fortunately, there are some universally accepted conventions respected by almost everyone. One expects to find home directories in the directory /home, configuration files in the directory /etc, application executables in directories with names such as /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, software libraries in directories with names such as /lib, /usr/lib etc.
There are some important conventions in the naming of the paths. A single dot “.” refers to the current directory and a double dot “..” to the parent directory. Similarly, a tilde “~” refers to the home directory of the user. Assume, e.g., that we are the user george running a process with a current directory /home/george/Music/Rock (see figure 1.1). Then, the following paths refer to the same file /home/george/Doc/lyrics.doc:
Notice that ~ and ~george refer to the home directory of the user george (ourselves), whereas ~mary refer to the home directory of another user, mary.
We are now going to introduce the basic commands for filesystem navigation and manipulation7 . The command cd (=change directory) changes the current directory, whereas the command pwd (=print working directory) prints the current directory:
The argument of the command cd is an absolute or a relative path. If the path is correct and we have the necessary permissions, the command changes the current directory to this path. If no path is given, then the current directory changes to the home directory of the user. If the character - is given instead of a path, then the command changes the current directory to the previous current directory.
The command mkdir creates new directories, whereas the command rmdir removes empty directories. Try:
Note that the command mkdir cannot create directories more than one level down the filesystem, whereas the command mkdir -p can. The “switch” -p makes the behavior of the command different than the default one.
In order to list the contents of a directory, we use the command ls (=list):
The first command is given without an argument and it lists the contents of the current directory. The second one, lists the contents of the subdirectory of the current directory Programs. If the argument is a list of paths pointing to regular files, then the command prints the names of the paths. Another way of giving the command is
The switch -l makes ls to list the contents of the current directory together with useful information on the files in 9 columns. The first column lists the permissions of the files (see below). The second one lists the number of links of the files8 . The third one lists the user who is the owner of each file. The fourth one lists the group that is assigned to the files. The fifth one lists the size of the file in bytes (=8 bits). The next three ones list the modification time of the file and the last one the paths of the files.
File permissions9 are separated in three classes: owner permissions, group permissions and other permissions. Each class is given three specific permissions, r=read, w=write and x=execute. For regular files, read permission effectively means access to the file for reading/copying, write permission means permission to modify the contents of the file and execute permission means permission to execute the file as a command10 . For directories, read permission means that one is able to read the names of the files in the directory (but not make it as current directory with the cd command), write permission means to be able to modify its contents (i.e. create, delete, and rename files) and execute permission grants permission to access/modify the contents of the files (but not list the names of the files, this is granted by the read permission).
The command ls -l lists permissions in three groups. The owner (positions 2-4), the group (positions 5-7) and the rest of the world (others - positions 8-10). For example
In the first case, the owner has read and write but not execute permissions and the group+others have only read permissions. In the second case, the user has read, write and execute permissions, the group has read permissions and others have no permissions at all. In the last case, the user has read, write and execute permissions, whereas the group and the world have only execute permissions. The first character d indicates a special file, which in this case is a directory. All special files have this position set to a character, while regular files have it set to -.
File permissions can be modified by using the command chmod:
Using the first command, the owner (u user) obtains (+) permission to execute (x) the file named file. Using the second one, the rest of the world (o others) and the group (ggroup) loose (-) the write (w) permission to the files named file1 and file2. Using the third one, everyone (aall) obtain read (r) permission on the file named file.
We will close this section by discussing some commands which are used for administering files in the filesystem. The command cp (copy) copies the contents of files into other files:
If the file file2.cpp does not exist, the first command copies the contents of file1.cpp to a new file file2.cpp. If it already exists, it replaces its contents by the contents of the file file2.cpp. In order for the second command to be executed, Programs needs to be a directory. Then, the contents of the files file1.cpp, file2.cpp, file3.cpp are copied to indentical files in the directory Programs. Of course, we assume that the user has the appropriate privileges for the command to be executed successfully.
The command mv “moves”, or renames, files:
The first command renames the file file1.cpp to file2.cpp. The second one moves files file1.cpp, file2.cpp, file3.cpp into the directory Programs.
The command rm (remove) deletes files11 . Beware, the command is unforgiving: after deletion, a file cannot be restored into the filesystem12 . Therefore, after executing successfully the following commands
the files file1.cpp, file2.cpp, file3.cpp do not exist in the filesystem anymore. A more prudent use of the command demands the flag -i. Then, before deletion we are asked for confirmation:
When we type y, the file is deleted, when we type n, the file is not deleted.
We cannot remove directories the same way. It is possible to use the command rmdir in order to remove empty directories. In order to delete directories together with their contents (including subdirectories and their contents) use the command13 rm -r. For example, assume that the contents of the directories dir1 and dir1/dir2 are the files:
Then the results of the following commands are:
The last command removes all files (assuming that we have write permissions for all directories and subdirectories). Alternatively, we can empty the contents of all directories first, and then remove them with the command rmdir:
Note that by using a semicolon, we can execute two or more commands on the same line.
Commands in a Unix operating system are files with execute permission. When we write a sentence on the command line, like
the shell reads its and interprets it. The shell is a program that creates a interface between a user and the operating system. The first word (ls) of the sentence is interpreted as a command. The rest of the words are the arguments of the command and the program can use them (or not) at the discretion of its programmer. There is a special convention for arguments that begin with a - (e.g. -l, --help, --version, -O3). They are called options or switches, and they act as virtual switches that make the program act in a particular way. We have already seen that the program ls gives a different output with the switch -l.
In order for a command to be executed, the shell looks for a file that has the same name as the command (here a file named ls). In order to understand where the shell looks for such a file, we should digress a little bit and explain the use of shell variables and environment variables. These have a name, which is a string of permissible characters, and their values are obtained by preceding their name with the $ character. For example the variable PATH has value $PATH. The values of the environment variables can be set with the command14 setenv and of the shell variables with the command set:
Two special variables are the variables PATH and path:
The first one is an environment variable and the second one is a shell variable. Their values are set by the shell, and we don’t need to worry about them, unless we want to change them. Their value is a string of characters whose components should be valid paths to directories. In the first case, the components are separated by a :, while in the second case, by one or more spaces. In the example shown above, the shell searches each component of the path or PATH variables (in this order) until it finds a file ls in their contents. If it succeeds and the file has execute permissions, then the program in this file is executed. If it fails, then it prints an error message. Try the commands:
We see that the program that the ls command executes the program in the file /bin/ls.
The arguments of a command are passed on to the program that the command executes for possible interpretation. For example:
The argument -l is the switch that results in a long listing of the files. The arguments test.cpp and test.dat are interpreted by the program ls as paths that it will look up for file information.
You can use the * (wildcard) character as a shorthand notation for a group of files. For example, in the command shown below
the shell will expand *.cpp and *.dat to a list of all files whose names end with .cpp or .dat. Therefore, if the current directory contains the files test.cpp, test1.cpp, myprog.cpp, test.dat, hello.dat, the arguments that will be passed on to the command ls are
For each command there are three special files associated with it. The first one is the standard input (stdin), the second one is the standard output (stdout) and the third one the standard error (stderr). These are files where the program can print or read data from. By default, these files are the terminal that the user uses to execute the command. In this case, when the program reads data from the stdin, then it reads the data that we type to the terminal using the keyboard. When the program writes data to the stdout or to the stderr, then the data is written to the terminal.
The advantage of using these special files in order to read/write data is that the user can redirect the input/output to these files to any file she wants. Using the character > at the end of a command redirects the stdout to the file whose name is written after >. For example:
The first of the above commands, prints the contents of the current working directory to the terminal. The second command redirects data written to the stdout to the file results. After executing the command, the file results is created and its contents are the names of the files file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp file4.csh. If the file results does not exist (as in the above example), the file is created. If it already exists, it is truncated and its contents replaced by the data written to the stdout of the command. If we want to append data without erasing the existing contents, then we should use the string of characters >>. Therefore, if we give the command
after executing the previous commands, then the contents of the file results will be
The redirection of the stdin is accomplished by the use of the character < while that of the stderr by the use of the string of characters15 >&. We will see more examples in section 1.2.
It is possible to redirect the stdout of a command to be the stdin of another command. This is very useful for creating filters. A filter is a command that creates a flow of data between two or more programs. This process is called piping. Pipes are creating by using the character |
Using the syntax shown above, the stdout of the command cmd1 is redirected to the stdin of the command cmd2, the stdout of the command cmd2 is redirected to the stdin of the command cmd3 etc. More examples will be presented in section 1.2.
Unix got itself a reputation for not being user friendly. This is far from the truth. Although there is a steep learning curve, detailed documentation for almost everything is available online.
The key for a comfortable ride is to learn how to use the help system available on your computer and on the internet. Most of the commands are self documented. A simple test, like the one shown below, will help you with the basic usage of most of the commands:
For example, try the command ls --help. For a window application, start from the menu “Help”. You should not be afraid and/or lazy and you should proceed with careful searching and reading.
For example, let’s assume that you have heard about a command that sounds like printf, or something like that. The first level of online help is the man (=manual) command that searches the “man pages”. Read the output of the command
The command info usually provides more detailed and user friendly documentation. It has basic browsing capabilities like the browsers you use to read pages from the internet. Try the command
will inform you that there are other, possibly related, commands with names like fprintf, fwprintf, wprintf, sprintf...:
The second column printed by the whatis command is the “section” of the man pages. In order to gain access to the information in a particular section, you have to give it as an argument to the man command:
Section 1 of the man pages contains information of ordinary command line commands, section 3 contains information on functions in libraries of the C language. Section 2 contains information on commands used for system administration. You may browse the directory /usr/share/man, or read the man page of the man command (use the command man man for that!).
By using the command
we obtain plenty of memory refreshing information. The command
shows us many files related to the command printf. The commands
give information on the location of the executable(s) of the command printf.
Another useful feature of the shell is the command or it filename completion. This means that we can write only the first characters of the name of a command or filename and then press simultaneously the keys [Ctrl-d]16 (i.e. press the key Ctrl and the key of the letter d at the same time). Then the shell will complete the name of the command up to the point that is is unique with the given string of characters17 :
Try to type an x on the command line and then type [Ctrl-d]. You will learn all the commands that are available and whose name begins with an x: xterm, xeyes, xclock, xcalc, ...
Finally, the internet contains a wealth of information. Google your blues... and you will be rewarded!
For doing data analysis, we will need powerful tools for manipulating data in text files. These are files that consist solely of printable characters. Some tools that can be used in order to construct complicated and powerful filters are the programs cat, less, head, tail, grep, sort and awk.
Suppose that we have data in a file named data18 which contains information on the contents of a food warehouse and their prices:
prints the contents of the file data to the stdout. In general, this command prints the contents of all files given in its arguments or the stdin if none is given. Since the stdin and the stdout can be redirected, the command
takes the contents of the file data from the stdin and prints them to the stdout, which in this case is the file data1. This command has the same result as the command:
The command
prints the contents of the file data and then the contents of the file data1 to the stdout. Since the stdout is redirected to the file data2, data2 contains the data of both files.
you can browse the data contained in the file gfortran.txt one page at a time. Press [space] in order to “turn” a page, [b] to turn back a page. Press the up and down arrows to move one line backwards/forward. Press [g] in order to jump to the beginning of the file and press [G] in order to jump to the end. Press [h] in order to get a help message and press [q] in order to quit.
print the first line, the last two lines and the second to the last line of the file data to the stdout respectively. Note that, by piping the stdout of the command tail to the stdin of the command head, we are able to construct the filter “print the line before the last one”.
The command sort sorts the contents of a file by comparing each line of its text with all others. The sorting is alphabetical, unless otherwise set by using options. For example
For reverse sorting, try sort -r data. We can also sort by comparing specific fields of each line. By default, fields are words separated by one or more spaces. For example, in order to sort w.r.t. the second column of the file data, we can use the switch -k 2 (=second field). Furthermore, we can use the switch -n for numerical sorting:
If we omit the switch -n, the comparison of the lines is performed based on character sorting of the second field and the result is
The last column contains floating point numbers (not integers). In order to sort by the values of such numbers we should use the switch -g:
The command grep processes a text file line by line, searching for a given string of characters. When this string is found anywhere in a line, this line is printed to the stdout. The command
prints each line containing the string “kilos”. If we want to search for all line not containing the string “kilos”, then we add the switch -v:
We can use a regular expression for searching a whole family of strings of characters. These monsters need a full book for discussing them in detail! But it is not hard to learn how to use some simple forms of regular expressions. Here are some examples:
The first one, prints each line whose first character is a b. The second one, prints each line that ends with a 0. The third one, prints each line contaning the strings 32 or 34.
By far, the strongest tool in our toolbox is the awk program. By default, awk analyzes a text file line by line. Each word (or field in the awk jargon) of these lines is stored in a set of variables with names $1, $2, .... The variable $0 contains the full line currently processed, whereas the variable NF counts the number of fields in the current line. The variable NR counts the number of lines of the file processed so far by awk.
An awk program can be written in the command line. A set of commands within { ... } is executed for each line of input. The constructs BEGIN{ ... } and END{ ... } contain commands executed, only once, before and after the processing of the file respectively. For example, the command
prints the name of the product (1st column = $1) and the total value stored in the warehouse (2nd column = $2) (4th column = $4). More examples are given below:
The first one calculates the total value of all products: The processing of each line results in the increment (+=) of the variable value by the product of the second and fourth fields. In the end (END{ ... }), the string Total= is printed, together with the final value of the variable value. This is an easy way for computing the sum of the values calculated for each line. The second command, calculates and prints an average. The sum is calculated in each line and stored in the variable av. In the end, we print the quotient of the sum of all values by the number of lines that have been processed (NR). The last command shows a (crazy) mathematical expression based on numerical values found in each line of the file data: It computes the square of the second field times the sine of the fourth field plus the exponential of the fourth field.
There is much more potential in the commands presented above. Reading the documentation and getting experience by using them will provide you with very strong tools in order to accomplish complicated tasks.
For a programmer that spends many hours programming every day, the environment and the tools available for editing the commands of a large and complicated program determine, to a large extent, the quality of her life! An editor edits the contents of a text file, that consists solely of printable characters. Such editors, available in most Linux environments, are the programs gedit, vim, pico, nano, zile... They provide basic functionality such as adding, removing or changing text within a file as well as more complicated functions, such as copying, pasting, searching and replacing text etc. There are many functions that are particularly useful to a programmer, such as detecting and formatting keywords of a particular programming language, pretty printing, closing scopes etc, which can be very useful for comfortable programming and for spotting errors. A very powerful and “knowledgeable” editor, offering many such functions for several programming languages, is the GNU Emacs editor19 . Emacs is open source software, it is available for free and can be used in most available operating systems. It is programmable20 and the user can automate most of her everyday repeated tasks and configure it to her liking. There is a full interaction with the operating system, in fact Emacs has been built with the ambition of becoming an operating system. For example, a programmer can edit a C++ file, compile it, debug it and run it, everything done with Emacs commands.
Note the character & at the end of the line. This makes the particular command to run in the background. Without it, the shell waits until a command exits in order to return the prompt.
In a desktop environment, Emacs starts in its own window. For a quick and dirty editing session, or in the case that a windows environment is not available21 , we can run Emacs in a terminal mode. Then, we omit the & at the end of the line and we run the command
The switch -nw forces Emacs to run in terminal mode.
We can interact with Emacs in various ways. Newbies will prefer buttons and menus that offer a simple and intuitive interface. For advanced usage, however, we recommend that you make an effort to learn the keyboard shortcuts. There are also thousands of functions available to be used interactively. They are called from a “command line”, called the minibuffer in the Emacs jargon.
Keyboard shortcuts are usually combinations of keystrokes that consist of the simultaneous pressing of the Ctrl or Alt keys together with other keys. Our convention is that a key sequence starting with a C- means that the characters that follow are keys simultaneously pressed with the Ctrl key. A key sequance starting with a M- means that the characters that follow are keys simultaneously pressed with the Alt key22 . Some commands have shortcuts consisting of two or more composite keystrokes. For example by C-x C-c we mean that we have to press simultaneously the Ctrl key together with x and then press simultaneously the Ctrl key together with c. This sequence is a shortcut to the command that exits Emacs. Another example is C-x 2 which means to press the Ctrl key together with x and then press only the key 2. This is a shortcut to the command that splits a window horizontally to two equal parts.
The most useful shortcuts are M-x (press the Alt key siumutaneously with the x key) and C-g. The first command takes us to the minibuffer where we can give a command by typing its name. For example, type M-x and then type save-buffers-kill-emacs in the minibuffer (this will terminate Emacs). The second one is an “SOS button” that interrupts anything Emacs does and returns control to the working buffer. This can be pretty handy when a command hangs or destroys our work and we need to interrupt it.
The conventions for the mouse events are as follows: With Mouse-1, Mouse-2 and Mouse-3 we denote a simple click with the left, middle and right buttons of the mouse respectively. With Drag-Mouse-1 we mean to press the left button of the mouse and at the same time drag the mouse.
We summarize the possible ways of giving a command in Emacs with the following examples that have the same effect: Open a file and put its contents in a buffer for editing.
The number of available commands increases from the top to the bottom of the above list.
In order to edit a file, Emacs places the contents of a file in a buffer. Such a buffer is a chunk of computer memory where the contents of the file are copied and it is not the file itself. When we make changes to the contents of a buffer, the file remains intact. For our changes to take effect and be written to the file, we have to save the buffer. Then, the contents of the buffer are written back to the file. It is important to understand the following cycle of events:
Emacs may have more than one buffers open for editing simultaneously. By default, the name of the buffer is the same as the name of the file that is edited, although this is not necessary23 . The name of a buffer is written in the modeline of the window of the buffer, as can be seen in figure 1.3.
If Emacs crashes or exits before we save our edits, it is possible to recover (part of) them. There is a command M-x recover-file that will guide us through the necessary recovery steps, or we can look for a file that has the same name as the buffer we were editing surrounded by two #. For example, if we were editing the file file.cpp, the automatically saved changes can be found in the file #file.cpp#. Auto saving is done periodically by Emacs and its frequency can be controlled by the user.
The point where we insert text while editing is called “the point”. This is right before the blinking cursor24 . Each buffer has another position marked by “the mark”. A point and the mark define a “region” in the buffer. This is a part of the text in the buffer where the functions of Emacs can act (e.g. copy, cut, change case, spelling etc.). We can set the region by setting a point and then press C-SPC25 or give the command M-x set-mark-command. This defines the current point to be the mark. Then we can move the cursor to another point which will define a region together with the mark that we set. Alternatively we can use Drag-Mouse-1 (hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse) and mark a region. The mark can be set with Mouse-3, i.e. with a simple click of the right button of the mouse. Therefore by Mouse-1 at a point and then Mouse-3 at a different point will set the region between the two points.
We can open a file in a buffer with the command C-x C-f, and then by typing its path. If the file already exists, its contents are copied to a buffer, otherwise a new buffer is created. Then:
When we finish editing (or frequently enough so that we don’t loose our work due to an unfortunate event), we save the changes in the buffer, either by pressing the save icon on the toolbar, or by pressing the keys C-s, or by giving the command M-x save-buffer.
Use the instructions below for slightly more advanced editing:
We note that cutting and pasting can be made between different windows of the same or different buffers.
Sometimes it is very convenient to edit one or more different buffers in two or more windows. The term “windows” in Emacs refers to regions of the same Emacs desktop window. In fact, a desktop window running an Emacs session is referred to as a frame in the Emacs jargon. Emacs can split a frame in two or more windows, horizontally or/and vertically. Study figure 1.5 on page 81 for details. We can also open a new frame and edit several buffers simultaneously27 . We can manipulate windows and frames as follows:
You can have many windows in a dumb terminal. This is a blessing when a dekstop environment is not available. Of course, in that case you cannot have many frames.
Each buffer can be in different modes. Each mode may activate different commands or editing environment. For example each mode can color keywords relevant to the mode and/or bind keys to different commands. There exist major modes, and a buffer can be in only one of them. There are also minor modes, and a buffer can be in one or more of them. Emacs activates major and minor modes by default for each file. This usually depends on the filename but there are also other ways to control this. The user can change both major and minor modes at will, using appropriate commands.
Active modes are shown in a parenthesis on the mode line (see figures 1.3 and 1.5.
Some interesting minor modes are:
In a desktop environment, we can choose modes from the menu of the mode line. By clicking with Mouse-3 on the name of a mode we are offered options for (de)activating minor modes. With a Mouse-1 we can (de)activate the read-only mode with a click on :%% or :-- respectively. See figure 1.5.
Emacs’ documentation is impressive. For newbies, we recommend to follow the mini course offered by the Emacs tutorial. You can start the tutorial by typing C-h t or select Help Emacs Tutorial from the menu. Enjoy... The Emacs man page (give the man emacs command in the command line) will give you a summary of the basic options when calling Emacs from the command line.
A quite detailed manual can be found in the Emacs info pages28 . Using info needs some training, but using the Emacs interface is quite intuitive and similar to using a web browser. Type the command C-h r (or choose HelpEmacs Tutorial from the menu) and you will open the front page of the emacs manual in a new window. By using the keys SPC and Backspace we can read the documentation page by page. When you find a link (similar to web page hyperlinks), you can click on it in order to open to read the topic it refers to. Using the navigation icons on the toolbar, you can go to the previous or to the next pages, go up one level etc. There are commands that can be given by typing single characters. For example, type d in order to jump to the main info directory. There you can find all the available manuals in the info system installed on your computer. Type g (emacs) and go to the top page of the Emacs manual. Type g (info) and read the info manual.
Emacs is structured in an intuitive and user friendly way. You will learn a lot from the names of the commands: Almost all names of Emacs commands consist of whole words, separated by a hyphen “-”, which almost form a full sentence. These make them quite long sometimes, but by using auto completion of their names this does not pose a grave problem.
You can customize everything in Emacs. From key bindings to programming your own functions in the Elisp language. The most common way for a user to customize her Emacs sessions, is to put all her customization commands in the file /.emacs in her home directory. Emacs reads and executes all these commands just before starting a session. Such a .emacs file is given below:
Everything after a ; is a comment. Functions/commands are enclosed in parentheses. The first three ones bind the keys F1, C-c s and M-s to the commands save-buffer, save-some-buffers and isearch-forward respectively. The next one defines an alias of a command. This means that, when we give the command M-x is in the minibuffer, then the command isearch-forward will be executed. The last two commands are the definitions of the functions (fm) and (sign), which can be called interactively from the minibuffer.
For more complicated examples google “emacs .emacs file” and you will see
other users’ .emacs files. You may also customize Emacs from the menu
commands OptionsCustomize Emacs. For learning the Elisp language, you
can read the manual “Emacs Lisp Reference Manual” found at the address
In this section, we give a very basic introduction to the C++ programming language. This is not a systematic exposition and you are expected to learn what is needed in this book by example. So, please, if you have not already done it, get in front of a computer and do what you read. You can find many good tutorials and books introducing C++ in a more complete way in the bibliography.
The first program that one writes when learning a new programming language is the “Hello World!” program. This is the program that prints “Hello World!” on your screen:
Commands, or statements, in C++ are strings of characters separated by blanks (“words”) and end with a semicolon (;). We can put more than one command on each line by separating them with a semicolon.
Everything after two slashes (//) is a comment. Proliferation of comments is necessary for documenting our code. Good documentation of our code is an integral part of programming. If we plan to have our code read by others (or by us) at a later time, we have to make sure to explain in detail what each line is supposed to do. You and your collaborators will save a lot of time in the process of debugging, improving and extending your code.
The first line of the code shown above is a preprocessor directive. These lines start with a # and are interpreted by a separate program, the preprocessor. The #include directive, inserts the contents of a file replacing the line where the directive is. This acts like an editor! Actually, the code that will be compiled is not the one shown above, but the result of adding the contents of a file whose name is iostream29 . iostream is an example of a header file that has many definitions of functions and symbols used by the program. The particular header has the necessary definitions in order to perform standard input and standard output operations.
The execution of a C++ program starts by calling a function whose name is main(). Therefore, the line int main(){ shows how to actually define a function in C++. Its name is the word before the parentheses () and the keyword int specifies that the function returns a value of integer type30 . Within the parentheses placed after the name of the function, we put the arguments that we pass to the function. In our case the parentheses contain nothing, showing how to define a function without arguments.
The curly brackets { ... } define the scope or the body of the function and contain the statements to be executed when the function is called.
The line
is the only line that contains an executable statement that actually does something. Notice that it ends with a semicolon. This statement performs an output operation printing a string to the standard output. The sentence Hello World!∖n is a constant string and contains a sequence of printable characters enclosed in double quotes. The last character ∖n is a newline character, that prints a new line to the stdout.
cout identifies the standard character output device, which gives access to the stdout. The characters << indicate that we write to cout the expression to the right. In order to make cout accessible to our program, we need both the inclusion of the header file iostream and the statement using namespace std31 .
Statements in C++ end with a semicolon. Splitting them over a number of lines is only a matter of making the code legible. Therefore, the following parts of the code have equivalent effect as the one written above:
Finally notice that, for C++, uppercase and lowercase characters are different. Therefore main(), Main() and MAIN() are names of different functions.
In order to execute the commands in a program, it is necessary to compile it. This is a job done by a program called the compiler that translates the human language programming statements into binary commands that can be loaded to the computer memory for execution. There are many C++ compilers available, and you should learn which compilers are available for use in your computing environment. Typical names for C++ compilers are g++, c++, icc, .... You should find out which compiler is best suited for your program and spend time reading its documentation carefully. It is important to learn how to use a new compiler so that you can finely tune it to optimize the performance of your program.
We are going to use the open source and freely available compiler g++, which can be installed on most popular operating systems32 . The compilation command is:
The extension .cpp to the file name hello.cpp is important and instructs the compiler that the file contains source code in C++. Use your editor and edit a file with the name hello.cpp with the program shown above before executing the above command.
The switch -o defines the name of the executable file, which in our case is hello. If the compilation is successful, the program runs with the command:
The ./ is not a special symbol for running programs. The dot is the current working directory and ./hello is the full path to the file hello.
Now, we will try a simple calculation. Given the radius of a circle we will compute its length and area. The program can be found in the file area_01.cpp:
The first two statements in main() declare the values of the variables PI and R. These variables are of type double, which are floating point numbers33 .
The following two commands have two effects: Computing the length and the area of the circle and printing the results. The expressions 2.0*PI*R and PI*R*R are evaluated before being printed to the stdout. Note the explicit decimal points at the constants 2.0 and 4.0. If we write 2 or 4 instead, then these are going to be constants of the int type and by using them the wrong way we may obtain surprising results34 . We compile and run the program with the commands:
Now we will try a process that repeats itself for many times. We will calculate the length and area of 10 circles of different radii , . We will store the values of the radii in an array R[10] of the double type. The code can be found in the file area_02.cpp:
The declaration double R[10] defines an array of length 10. This way, the elements of the array are referred to by an index that takes values from 0 to 9. For example, R[0] is the first, R[3] is the fourth and R[9] is the last element of the array.
we can write commands that are repeatedly executed while the int variable i takes values from 1 to 9 with increasing step equal to 1. The way it works is the following: In the round brackets after the keyword for, there exist three statements separated by semicolons. The first, i=1, is the statement executed once before the loop starts. The second, i<10, is a statement that is evaluated each time before the loop repeats itself. If it is true, then the statements in the loop are executed. If it is false, the control of the program is transferred after the end of the loop. The last statement, i++, is evaluated each time after the last statement in the loop has been executed. The operator ++ is the increment operator, and its effect is equivalent to the statement:
The value of i is increased by one. The command:
defines the i-th radius from the value R[i-1]. For the loop to work correctly, we must define the initial value of R[0], otherwise35 R[0]=0.0. The second loop uses the defined R-values in order to do the computation and print of the results.
Now we will write an interactive version of the program. Instead of hard coding the values of the radii, we will interact with the user asking her to give her own values. The program will read the 10 values of the radii from the standard input (stdin). We will also see how to write the results directly to a file instead of the standard output (stdout). The program can be found in the file area_03.cpp:
In the above program, the size of the array R is defined by a const int. A const declares a variable to be a parameter whose value does not change during the execution of the program and, if it is of int type, it can be used to declare the size of an array.
The array elements R[i] are read using the command:
cin is the standard input stream, the same way that cout is the standard output stream36 . We read input using the >> operator, which indicates that input is written to the variable on the right.
In order to interact with ordinary files, we need to include the header
In this header, the C++ class ofstream is defined and it can be used in order to write to files (output stream). An object in this class, like myfile, is defined (“instantiated”) by the statement:
This object’s constructor is called by placing the parentheses ("AREA.DAT"), and then the output stream myfile is directed to the file AREA.DAT. Then we can write output to the file the same way we have already done with cout:
When we are done writing to the file, we can close the stream with the statement:
Reading from files is done in a similar way by using the class ifstream instead of ofstream.
The next step will be to learn how to define and use functions. The program below shows how to define a function area_of_circle(), which computes the length and area of a circle of given radius. The following program can be found in the file area_04.cpp:
The calculation of the length and the area of the circle is performed by the function
Calling a function, transfers the control of the program to the statements within the body of the function. The above function has arguments (R[i], perimeter, area). The argument R[i] is intended to be only an input variable whose value is not going to change during the calculation. The arguments perimeter and area are intended for output. Upon return of the function to the main program, they store the result of the computation. The user of a function must learn how to use its arguments in order to be able to call it in her program. These must be documented carefully by the programmer of the function.
In order to use a function, we need to declare it the same way we do with variables or, as we say, to provide its prototype. The prototype of a function can be declared without providing the function’s definition. We may provide just enough details that determine the types of its arguments and the value returned. In our program this is done on the line:
This is the same syntax used later in the definition of the function, but replacing the body of the function with a semicolon. The argument list does not need to include the argument names, only their types. We could have also used the following line in order to declare the function’s prototype:
We could also have used different names for the arguments, if we wished so. Including the names is a matter of style that improves legibility of the code.
The argument R is intended to be left unchanged during the function execution. This is why we used the keyword const in its declaration. The arguments L and R, however, will return a different value to the calling program. This is why const is not used for them.
The actual program executed by the function is between the lines:
The type of the value returned by a function is declared by the keyword before its name. In our case, this is void which declares that the function does not return a value.
The arguments (R,L,A) must be declared in the function and need not have the same names as the ones that we use when we call it. All arguments are declared to be of type double. The character & indicates that they are passed to the function by reference. This makes possible to change their values from within the function.
If & is omitted, then the arguments will be passed by value and a statement like L = 2.0*PI*R will not change the value of the variable passed by the calling program. This happens because, in this case, only the value of the variable L of the calling program is copied to a local variable which is used only within the function. This is important to understand and you are encouraged to run the program with and without the & and check the difference in the computed results.
The names of variables in a function are only valid within the scope of the function, i.e. between the curly brackets that contain the body of the function. Therefore the variable const int N is valid only within the scope of main(). You may use any name you like, even if it is already used outside the scope of the function. The names of arguments need not be the same as the ones used in the calling program. Only their types have to match.
Variables in the global scope are accessible by all functions in the same file37 . An example of such a variable is PI, which is accessible by main(), as well as by area_of_circle().
We summarize all of the above in a program trionymo.cpp, which computes the roots of a second degree polynomial:
The program reads the coefficients of the polynomial . After a check whether , it computes the discriminant by calling the Discriminant(a,b,c).
The type of the value returned must be declared at the function’s prototype
and at the function’s definition
The value returned to the calling program is the value of the expression given as an argument to the return statement. return has also the effect of transferring the control of the program back to the calling statement.
Plotting data is an indispensable tool for their qualitative, but also quantitative, analysis. Gnuplot is a high quality, open source, plotting program that can be used for generating publication quality plots, as well as for heavy duty analysis of a large amount of scientific data. Its great advantage is the possibility to use it from the command line, as well as from shell scripts and other programs. Gnuplot is programmable and it is possible to call external programs in order manipulate data and create complicated plots. There are many mathematical functions built in gnuplot and a fit command for non linear fitting of data. There exist interactive terminals where the user can transform a plot by using the mouse and keyboard commands.
This section is brief and only the features, necessary for the following chapters, are discussed. For more information visit the official page of gnuplot Try the rich demo gallery at, where you can find the type of graph that you want to create and obtain an easy to use recipe for it. The book [16] is an excellent place to look for many of gnuplot’s secrets38 .
You can start a gnuplot session with the gnuplot command:
There is a welcome message and then a prompt gnuplot> is issued waiting for your command. Type a command an press [Enter]. Type quit in order to quit the program. In the following, when we show a prompt gnuplot>, it is assumed that the command after the prompt is executed from within gnuplot.
Plotting a function is extremely easy. Use the command plot and x as the independent variable of the function39 . The command
plots the function which is a straight line with slope 1. In order to plot many functions simultaneously, you can write all of them in one line:
The above command plots the functions , , and . Within the square brackets [:], we set the limits of the and axes, respectively. The bracket [-5:5] sets and the bracket [-2:4] sets . You may leave the job of setting such limits to gnuplot, by omitting some, or all of them, from the respective positions in the brackets. For example, typing [1:][:5] changes the lower and upper limits of and and leaves the upper and lower limits unchanged40 .
In order to plot data points , we can read their values from files. Assume that a file data has the following numbers recorded in it:
The first line is taken by gnuplot as a comment line, since it begins with a #. In fact, gnuplot ignores everything after a #. In order to plot the second column as a function of the first, type the command:
The name of the file is within double quotes. After the keyword using, we instruct gnuplot which columns to use as the and coordinates, respectively. The keywords with points instructs gnuplot to add each pair to the plot with points.
The command
plots the third column as a function of the first, and the keywords with lines instruct gnuplot to connect each pair with a straight line segment.
We can combine several plots together in one plot:
The first line plots the 1st and 3rd columns in the file data together with the function . The second line adds the plot of the 1st and 2nd columns in the file data and the third line adds the plot of the function .
There are many powerful ways to use the keyword using. Instead of column numbers, we can put mathematical expressions enclosed inside brackets, like using (...):(...). Gnuplot evaluates each expression within the brackets and plots the result. In these expressions, the values of each column in the file data are represented as in the awk language. $i are variables that expand to the number read from columns i=1,2,3,.... Here are some examples:
The first line plots the 1st column of the file data together with the value , where , and are the numbers in the 2nd, 1st and 3rd columns respectively. The second line adds the plot of the function .
The first line plots the logarithm of the 1st column together with the logarithm of the square of the 2nd column.
We can plot the data written to the standard output of any command. Assume that there is a program called area that prints the perimeter and area of a circle to the stdout in the form shown below:
The interesting data is at the second and fourth columns. These can be plotted directly with the gnuplot command:
All we have to do is to type the full command after the < within the double quotes. We can create complicated filters using pipes as in the following example:
The filter produces data to the stdout, by combining the action of the commands area, sort and awk. The data printed by the last program is in two columns and we plot the results using 1:2.
In order to save plots in files, we have to change the terminal that gnuplot outputs the plots. Gnuplot can produce plots in several languages (e.g. PDF, postscript, SVG, LATEX, jpeg, png, gif, etc), which can be interpreted and rendered by external programs. By redirecting the output to a file, we can save the plot to the hard disk. For example:
The first line makes the plot as usual. The second one sets the output to be in the JPEG format and the third one sets the name of the file to which the plot will be saved. The fourth lines repeats all the previous plotting commands and the fifth one closes the file data.jpg. The last line chooses the interactive terminal qt to be the output of the next plot. High quality images are usually saved in the PDF, encapsulated postcript or SVG format. Use set terminal pdf,postscript eps or svg, respectively.
And now a few words for 3-dimensional (3d) plotting. The next example uses the command splot in order to make a 3d plot of the function . After you make the plot, you can use the mouse in order to rotate it and view it from a different perspective:
If you have data in the form and you want to create a plot of , write the data in a file, like in the following example:
Note the empty line that follows the change of the value of the first column. If the name of the file is data3, then you can plot the data with the commands:
We close this section with a few words on parametric plots. A parametric plot on the plane (2-dimensions) is a curve , where is a parameter. A parametric plot in space (3-dimensions) is a surface , where are parameters. The following commands plot the circle and the sphere :
A typical GNU/Linux environment offers very powerful tools for complicated system administration tasks. They are much more simple to use than to incorporate them into your program. This way, the programmer can concentrate on the high performance and scientific computing part of the project and leave the administration and trivial data analysis tasks to other, external, programs.
One can avoid repeating the same sequence of commands by coding them in a file. An example can be found in the file script01.csh:
This is a very simple shell script. The first line instructs the operating system that the lines that follow are to be interpreted by the program /bin/tcsh41 . This can be any program in the system, which in our case is the tcsh shell. The following lines are valid commands for the shell, one in each line. They compile the C++ programs found in the files that we created in section 1.4 with g++, and then they run the executable ./area. In order to execute the commands in the file, we have to make sure that the file has the appropriate execute permissions. If not, we have to give the command:
Then we simply type the path to the file script01.csh
and the above commands are run the one after the other. Some of the versions of the programs that we wrote are asking for input from the stdin, which, normally, you have to type on the terminal. Instead of interacting directly with the program, we can write the input data to a file Input, and run the command
A more convenient solution is to use the, so called, “Here Document”. A “Here Document” is a section of the script that is treated as if it were a separate file. As such, it can be used as input to programs by sending its “contents” to the stdin of the command that runs the program42 . The “Here Document” does not appear in the filesystem and we don’t need to administer it as a regular file. An example of using a “Here Document” can be found in the file script02.csh:
The stdin of the command ./area is redirected to the contents between the lines
The string EOF marks the beginning and the end of the “Here Document”, and can be any string you like. The last EOF has to be placed exactly in the beginning of the line.
The power of shell scripting lies in its programming capabilities: Variables, arrays, loops and conditionals can be used in order to create a complicated program. Shell variables can be used as discussed in section 1.1.2: The value of a variable name is $name and it can be set with the command set name = value. An array is defined, for example, by the command
and its data can be accessed using the syntax $R[1] ... $R[10].
Lets take a look at the following script:
The first two lines of the script define the values of the arrays files (4 values) and R (10 values). The command echo echoes its argument to the stdin. $USER is the name of the user running the script. ‘date‘ is an example of command substitution: When a command is enclosed between backquotes and is part of a string, then the command is executed and its stdout is pasted back to the string. In the example shown above, ‘date‘ is replaced by the current date and time in the format produced by the date command.
The foreach loop
is executed once for each of the 4 values of the array files. Each time the value of the variable file is set equal to one of the values area_01.cpp, area_02.cpp, area_03.cpp, area_04.cpp. These values can be used by the commands in the loop. Therefore, the command g++ $file -o area compiles a different file each time that it is executed by the loop.
The last line in the loop
is a conditional. It executes the command cat AREA.DAT if the condition -f AREA.DAT is true. In this case, -f constructs a logical expression which is true when the file AREA.DAT exists.
We close this section by presenting a more complicated and advanced script. It only serves as a demonstration of the shell scripting capabilities. For more information, the reader is referred to the bibliography [18, 19, 20, 21, 22]. Read carefully the commands, as well as the comments which follow the # mark. Then, write the commands to a file script04.csh43 , make it an executable file with the command chmod u+x script04.csh and give the command
The script will run with the words “This is my first serious tcsh script” as its arguments. Notice how these arguments are manipulated by the script. Then, the script asks for the values of the radii of ten or more circles interactively, so that it will compute their perimeter and area. Type them on the terminal and then observe the script’s output, so that you understand the function of each command. You will not regret the time investment!
awk | search for and process patterns in a file, |
cat | display, or join, files |
cd | change working directory |
chmod | change the access mode of a file |
cp | copy files |
date | display current time and date |
df | display the amount of available disk space |
diff | display the differences between two files |
du | display information on disk usage |
echo | echo a text string to output |
find | find files |
grep | search for a pattern in files |
gzip | compress files in the gzip (.gz) format (gunzip to uncompress) |
head | display the first few lines of a file |
kill | send a signal (like KILL) to a process |
locate | search for files stored on the system (faster than find) |
less | display a file one screen at a time |
ln | create a link to a file |
lpr | print files |
ls | list information about files |
man | search information about command in man pages |
mkdir | create a directory |
mv | move and/or rename a file |
ps | report information on the processes run on the system |
pwd | print the working directory |
rm | remove (delete) files |
rmdir | remove (delete) a directory |
sort | sort and/or merge files |
tail | display the last few lines of a file |
tar | store or retrieve files from an archive file |
top | dynamic real-time view of processes |
wc | counts lines, words and characters in a file |
whatis | list man page entries for a command |
where | show where a command is located in the path (alternatively: whereis) |
which | locate an executable program using ”path” |
zip | create compressed archive in the zip format (.zip) |
unzip | get/list contents of zip archive |
When a particle moves on the plane, its position can be given in Cartesian coordinates . These, as a function of time, describe the particle’s trajectory. The position vector is , where and are the unit vectors on the and axes respectively. The velocity vector is where
The acceleration is given byIn this section we study the kinematics of a particle trajectory, therefore we assume that the functions are known. By taking their derivatives, we can compute the velocity and the acceleration of the particle in motion. We will write simple programs that compute the values of these functions in a time interval , where is the initial and is the final time. The continuous functions are approximated by a discrete sequence of their values at the times such that .
We will start the design of our program by forming a generic template to be used in all of the problems of interest. Then we can study each problem of particle motion by programming only the equations of motion without worrying about the less important tasks, like input/output, user interface etc. Figure 2.2 shows a flowchart of the basic steps in the algorithm. The first part of the program declares variables and defines the values of the fixed parameters (like , , etc). The program starts by interacting with the user (“user interface”) and asks for the values of the variables , , , , . The program prints these values to the stdout so that the user can check them for correctness and store them in her data.
The main calculation is performed in a loop executed while . The values of the positions and the velocities are calculated and printed in a file together with the time . At this point we fix the format of the program output, something that is very important to do it in a consistent and convenient way for easing data analysis. We choose to print the values t, x, y, vx, vy in five columns in each line of the output file.
The specific problem that we are going to solve is the computation of the trajectory of the circular motion of a particle on a circle with center and radius with constant angular velocity . The position on the circle can be defined by the angle , as can be seen in figure 2.3. We define the initial position of the particle at time to be .
The equations giving the position of the particle at time are
Taking the derivative w.r.t. we obtain the velocity and the acceleration We note that the above equations imply that (, , tangent to the trajectory) and ( and anti-parallel, ).The data structure is quite simple. The constant angular velocity is stored in the double variable omega. The center of the circle , the radius of the circle and the angle are stored in the double variables x0, y0, R, theta. The times at which we calculate the particle’s position and velocity are defined by the parameters and are stored in the double variables t0, tf, dt. The current position is calculated and stored in the double variables x, y and the velocity in the double variables vx, vy. The declarations of the variables are put in the beginning of the program:
The user interface of the program is the interaction of the program with the user and, in our case, it is the part of the program where the user enters the parameters omega, x0, y0, R, t0, tf, dt. The program issues a prompt with the names the variables expected to be read. The variables are read from the stdin by reading from the stream cin and the values entered by the user are printed to the stdout using the stream cout1 :
There are a couple of things to explain. Notice that after reading each variable from the standard input stream cin, we call the function getline. By calling getline(cin,buf), a whole line is read from the input stream cin into the string buf2 . Then the statement
has the effect of reading three doubles from the stdin and put the rest of the line in the string buf. Since we never use buf, this is a mechanism to discard the rest of the line of input. The reason for doing so will become clear later.
Objects of type string in C++ store character sequences. In order to use them you have to include the header
and, e.g., declare them like
Then you can store data in the obvious way, like buf="Hello World!", manipulate string data using operators like buf=buf1 (assign buf1 to buf), buf=buf1+buf2 (concatenate buf1 and buf2 and store the result in buf), buf1==buf2 (compare strings) etc.
Finally, endl is used to end all the cout statements. This has the effect of adding a newline to the output stream and flush the output3 .
Next, the program initializes the state of the computation. This includes checking the validity of the parameters entered by the user, so that the computation will be possible. For example, the program computes the expression 2.0*PI/omega, where it is assumed that omega has a non zero value. We will also demand that and . An if statement will make those checks and if the parameters have illegal values, the exit statement4 will stop the program execution and print an informative message to the standard error stream cerr5 . The program opens the file Circle.dat for writing the calculated values of the position and the velocity of the particle.
The line myfile.precision(17) sets the precision of the floating point numbers (like double) printed to myfile to 17 significant digits accuracy. The default is 6 which is a pity, because doubles have up to 17 significant digits accuracy.
If or the corresponding exit statements are executed which end the program execution. The optional error messages are included after the stop statements which are printed to the stderr. The value of the period is also calculated and printed for reference.
The main calculation is performed within the loop
The first statement sets the initial value of the time. The statements between within the scope of the while(condition) are executed as long as condition has a true value. The statement t=t+dt increments the time and this is necessary in order not to enter into an infinite loop. he statements put in place of the dots ......... calculate the position and the velocity and print them to the file Circle.dat:
Notice the use of the functions sin and cos that calculate the sine and cosine of an angle expressed in radians. The header cmath is necessary to be included.
The program is stored in the file Circle.cpp and can be found in the accompanied software. The extension .cpp is used to inform the compiler that the file contains source code written in the C++ language. Compilation and running can be done using the commands:
The switch -o cl forces the compiler g++ to write the binary commands executed by the program to the file6 cl. The command ./cl loads the program instructions to the computer memory for execution. When the programs starts execution, it first asks for the parameter data and then performs the calculation. A typical session looks like:
The lines shown above that start with a # character are printed by the program and the lines without # are the values of the parameters entered interactively by the user. The user types in the parameters and then presses the Enter key in order for the program to read them. Here we have used , , , , and .
You can execute the above program many times for different values of the parameters by writing the parameter values in a file using an editor. For example, in the file type the following data:
Each line has the parameters that we want to pass to the program with each call to cout. The rest of the line consists of comments that explain to the user what each number is there for. We want to discard these characters during input and this is the reason for using getline to complete reading the rest of the line. The program can read the above values of the parameters with the command:
The command ./cl runs the commands found in the executable file ./cl. The < redirects the contents of the file to the standard input (stdin) of the command ./cl. This way the program reads in the values of the parameters from the contents of the file The > Circle.out redirects the standard output (stdout) of the command ./cl to the file Circle.out. Its contents can be inspected after the execution of the program with the command cat:
We list the full program in Circle.cpp below:
We use gnuplot for plotting the data produced by our programs. The file Circle.dat has the time t and the components x, y, vx, vy in five columns. Therefore we can plot the functions and by using the gnuplot commands:
The second line puts the second plot together with the first one. The results can be seen in figure 2.4.
Let’s see now how we can make the plot of the function . We can do that using the raw data from the file Circle.dat within gnuplot, without having to write a new program. Note that . The function atan2 is available in gnuplot7 as well as in C++. Use the online help system in gnuplot in order to see its usage:
Therefore, the right way to call the function is atan2(y-y0,x-x0). In our case x0=y0=1 and x, y are in the 2nd and 3rd columns of the file Circle.dat. We can construct an expression after the using command as in page 129, where $2 is the value of the second and $3 the value of the third column:
The second command is broken in two lines by using the character ∖ so that it fits conveniently in the text8 . Note how we defined the values of the variables x0, y0 and how we used them in the expression atan2($3-x0,$2-y0). We also plot the lines which graph the constant functions and which mark the limit values of . The gnuplot variable9 pi is predefined and can be used in formed expressions. The result can be seen in the left plot of figure 2.4.
The velocity components as function of time as well as the trajectory can be plotted with the commands:
We close this section by showing how to do a simple animation of the particle trajectory using gnuplot. There is a file animate2D.gnu in the accompanied software which you can copy in the directory where you have the data file Circle.dat. We are not going to explain how it works10 but how to use it in order to make your own animations. The final result is shown in figure 2.5. All that you need to do is to define the data file11 , the initial time t0, the final time tf and the time step dt. These times can be different from the ones we used to create the data in Circle.dat. A full animation session can be launched using the commands:
The first line defines the data file that animate2D.gnu reads data from. The second line sets the range of the plots and the third line defines the time parameters used in the animation. The final line launches the animation. If you want to rerun the animation, you can repeat the last two commands as many times as you want using the same or different parameters. E.g. if you wish to run the animation at “half the speed” you should simply redefine dt=0.05 and set the initial time to t0=0:
We are now going to apply the steps described in the previous section to other examples of motion on the plane. The first problem that we are going to discuss is that of the small oscillations of a simple pendulum. Figure 2.6 shows the single oscillating degree of freedom , which is the small angle that the pendulum forms with the vertical direction.
The motion is periodic with angular frequency and period . The angular velocity is computed from which gives
We have chosen the initial conditions and . In order to write the equations of motion in the Cartesian coordinate system shown in figure 2.6 we use the relations These are similar to the equations (2.3) and (2.4) that we used in the case of the circular motion of the previous section. Therefore the structure of the program is quite similar. Its final form, which can be found in the file SimplePendulum.cpp, is:We note that the acceleration of gravity is hard coded in the program and that the user can only set the length of the pendulum. The data file SimplePendulum.dat produced by the program, contains two extra columns with the current values of and the angular velocity .
A simple session for the study of the above problem is shown below12 :
The next example is the study of the trajectory of a particle shot near the earth’s surface13 when we consider the effect of air resistance to be negligible. Then, the equations describing the trajectory of the particle and its velocity are given by the parametric equations
where is the parameter. The initial conditions are , and , as shown in figure 2.7.The structure of the program is similar to the previous ones. The user enters the magnitude of the particle’s initial velocity and the shooting angle in degrees. The initial time is taken to be . The program calculates and and prints them to the stdout. The data is written to the file Projectile.dat. The full program is listed below and it can be found in the file Projectile.cpp in the accompanied software:
A typical session for the study of this problem is shown below:
Next, we will study the effect of air resistance of the form . The solutions to the equations of motion
Programming the above equations is as easy as before, the only difference being that the user needs to provide the value of the constant . The full program can be found in the file ProjectileAirResistance.cpp and it is listed below:
We also list the commands of a typical session of the study of the problem:
Long commands have been continued to the next line as before. We defined the gnuplot variables v0x, v0y, g and k to have the values that we used when running the program. We can use them in order to construct the asymptotes of the plotted functions of time. The results are shown in figures 2.9 and 2.10.
The last example of this section will be that of the anisotropic harmonic oscillator. The force on the particle is
| (2.11) |
where the “spring constants” and are different in the directions of the axes and . The solutions of the dynamical equations of motion for , , and are
If the angular frequencies and satisfy certain relations, the trajectories of the particle are closed and self intersect at a given number of points. The proof of these relations, as well as their numerical confirmation, is left as an exercise for the reader. The program listed below is in the file Lissajoux.cpp:
We have set in the program above. The user must enter the two angular frequencies and and the corresponding times. A typical session for the study of the problem is shown below:
The results for and are shown in figure 2.11.
By slightly generalizing the methods described in the previous section, we will study the motion of a particle in three dimensional space. All we have to do is to add an extra equation for the coordinate and the component of the velocity . The structure of the programs will be exactly the same as before.
The first example is the conical pendulum, which can be seen in figure 2.12. The particle moves on the plane with constant angular velocity . The equations of motion are derived from the relations
| (2.13) |
where . Their solution15 is
where we have to substitute the values For the velocity components we obtain Therefore we must have
| (2.17) |
and when , .
In the program that we will write, the user must enter the parameters , , the final time and the time step . We take . The convention that we follow for the output of the results is that they should be written in a file where the first 7 columns are the values of , , , , , and . The full program is listed below:
In order to compile and run the program we can use the commands shown below:
The results are recorded in the file ConicalPendulum.dat. In order to plot the functions , , , , , we give the following gnuplot commands:
The results are shown in figure 2.13.
In order to make a three dimensional plot of the trajectory, we should use the gnuplot command splot:
The result is shown in figure 2.14. We can click on the trajectory and rotate it and view it from a different angle. We can change the plot limits with the command:
We can animate the trajectory of the particle by using the file animate3D.gnu from the accompanying software. The commands are similar to the ones we had to give in the two dimensional case for the planar trajectories when we used the file animate2D.gnu:
The result can be seen in figure 2.15.
The program animate3D.gnu can be used on the data file of any program that prints t x y z as the first words on each of its lines. All we have to do is to change the value of the file variable in gnuplot.
Next, we will study the trajectory of a charged particle in a homogeneous magnetic field . At time , the particle is at and its velocity is , see figure 2.16.
The magnetic force on the particle is and the equations of motion are
By integrating the above equations with the given initial conditions we obtain Integrating once more, we obtain the position of the particle as a function of time where we have chosen . This choice places the center of the circle, which is the projection of the trajectory on the plane, to be at the origin of the coordinate system. The trajectory is a helix with radius and pitch .We are now ready to write a program that calculates the trajectory given by (2.20) . The user enters the parameters and , shown in figure 2.16, as well as the angular frequency (Larmor frequency). The components of the initial velocity are and . The initial position is calculated from the equation . The program can be found in the file ChargeInB.cpp:
A typical session in which we calculate the trajectories shown in figures 2.17 and 2.18 is shown below:
In this section we will study the motion of a particle that is free, except when bouncing elastically on a wall or on certain obstacles. This motion is calculated by approximate algorithms that introduce systematic errors. These types of errors16 are also encountered in the study of more complicated dynamics, but the simplicity of the problem will allow us to control them in a systematic and easy to understand way.
The simplest example of such a motion is that of a particle in a “one dimensional box”. The particle moves freely on the axis for , as can be seen in figure 2.19. When it reaches the boundaries and it bounces and its velocity instantly reversed. Its potential energy is
| (2.21) |
which has the shape of an infinitely deep well. The force within the box and at the position of the walls.
Initially we have to know the position of the particle as well as its velocity (the sign of depends on the direction of the particle’s motion) at time . As long as the particle moves within the box, its motion is free and
For a small enough change in time , so that there is no bouncing on the wall in the time interval , we have that Therefore we could use the above relations in our program and when the particle bounces off a wall we could simple reverse its velocity . The devil is hiding in the word “when”. Since the time interval is finite in our program, there is no way to know the instant of the collision with accuracy better than . However, our algorithm will change the direction of the velocity at time , when the particle will have already crossed the wall. This will introduce a systematic error, which is expected to decrease with decreasing . One way to implement the above idea is by constructing the loopwhere the last line gives the testing condition for the wall collision and the subsequent change of the velocity.
The full program that realizes the proposed algorithm is listed below and can be found in the file box1D_1.cpp. The user can set the size of the box L, the initial conditions x0 and v0 at time t0, the final time tf and the time step dt:
In this section we will study the effects of roundoff errors in numerical computations. Computers store numbers in memory, which is finite. Therefore, real numbers are represented in some approximation that depends on the amount of memory that is used for their storage. This approximation corresponds to what is termed as floating point numbers. C++ is supposed to provide at least three basic types of floating point numbers, float, double and long double. In most implementations17 , float uses 4 bytes of memory and double 8. In this case, float has an accuracy to, approximately, 7 significant digits and double 17. See Chapter 1 of [8] and [14] for details. Moreover, float represent numbers with magnitude in the, approximate, range while double in . Note that variables of the integer type (int, long, ...) are exact representations of integers, whereas floating point numbers are approximations to reals.
In the program shown above, we used numbers of the float type instead of double in order to exaggerate roundoff errors. This way we can study the dependence of this type of errors on the accuracy of the floating point numbers used in a program18 . In order to do that, we declared the floating point variables as float:
We also used numerical constants of type float. This is indicated by the letter f at the end of their names: 2.0 is a constant of type double (the C++ default), whereas 2.0f is a constant of type float. Determining the accuracy of floating point constants is a thorny issue that can be the cause on introducing subtle bugs in a program and the programmer should be very careful about doing it carefully.
Finally we changed the form of the output. Since a float represents a real number with at most 7 significant digits, there is no point of printing more. That is why we used the statements
For purposes of studying the numerical accuracy of our results, we used 9 digits of output, which is, of course, slightly redundant. setw(17) prints the numbers of the next output of the stream myfile using at least 17 character spaces. This improves the legibility of the results when inspecting the output files. The use of setw requires the header iomanip.
The computed data is recorded in the file box1D_1.dat in three columns. Compiling, running and plotting the trajectory using gnuplot can be done as follows:
The trajectory is shown in figure 2.20. The effects of the systematic errors can be easily seen by noting that the expected collisions occur every units of time. Therefore, on the plot to the right of figure 2.20, the reversal of the particle’s motion should have occurred at , .
The reader should have already realized that the above mentioned error can be made to vanish by taking arbitrarily small . Therefore, we naively expect that as long as we have the necessary computer power to take as small as possible and the corresponding time intervals as many as possible, we can achieve any precision that we want. Well, that is true only up to a point. The problem is that the next position is determined by the addition operation x+v*dt and the next moment in time by t+dt. Floating point numbers of the float type have a maximum accuracy of approximately 7 significant decimal digits. Therefore, if the operands x and v*dt are real numbers differing by more than 7 orders of magnitude (v*dt x), the effect of the addition x+v*dt=x, which is null! The reason is that the floating point unit of the processor has to convert both numbers x and v*dt into a representation having the same exponent and in doing so, the corresponding significant digits of the smaller number v*dt are lost. The result is less catastrophic when v*dt x with , but some degree of accuracy is also lost at each addition operation. And since we have accumulation of such errors over many intervals tt+dt, the error can become significant and destroy our calculation for large enough times. A similar error accumulates in the determination of the next instant of time t+dt, but we will discuss below how to make this contribution to the total error negligible. The above mentioned errors can become less detrimental by using floating point numbers of greater accuracy than the float type. For example double numbers have approximately 17 significant decimal digits. But again, the precision is finite and the same type of errors are there only to be revealed by a more demanding and complicated calculation.
The remedy to such a problem can only be a change in the algorithm. This is not always possible, but in the case at hand this is easy to do. For example, consider the equation that gives the position of a particle in free motion
| (2.24) |
Let’s use the above relation for the parts of the motion between two collisions. Then, all we have to do is to reverse the direction of the motion and reset the initial position and time to be the position and time of the collision. This can be done by using the loop:
In the above algorithm, the error in the time of the collision is not vanishing but we don’t have the “instability” problem of the dt limit19 . Therefore we can isolate and study the effect of each type of error. The full program that implements the above algorithm is given below and can be found in the file box1D_2.cpp:
Compiling and running the above program is done as before and the results are stored in the file box1D_2.dat.
In this section we will study the effect of the systematic errors that we encountered in the previous section in more detail. We considered two types of errors: First, the systematic error of determining the instant of the collision of the particle with the wall. This error is reduced by taking a smaller time step . Then, the systematic error that accumulates with each addition of two numbers with increasing difference in their orders of magnitude. This error is increased with decreasing . The competition of the two effects makes the optimal choice of the result of a careful analysis. Such a situation is found in many interesting problems, therefore it is quite instructive to study it in more detail.
When the exact solution of the problem is not known, the systematic errors are controlled by studying the behavior of the solution as a function of . If the solutions are converging in a region of values of , one gains confidence that the true solution has been determined up to the accuracy of the convergence.
In the previous sections, we studied two different algorithms, programmed in the files box1D_1.cpp and box1D_2.cpp. We will refer to them as “method 1” and “method 2” respectively. We will study the convergence of the results as by fixing all the parameters except and then study the dependence of the results on . We will take , , , , , so that the particle will collide with the wall every 10 units of time. We will measure the position of the particle 20 as a function of and study its convergence to a limit21 as .
The analysis requires a lot of repetitive work: Compiling, setting the parameter values, running the program and calculating the value of for many values of . We write the values of the parameters read by the program in a file
Then we compile the program
and run it with the command:
By using the pipe |, we send the contents of to the stdin of the command ./box by using the command cat. The result can be found in the last line of the file box1D_1.dat:
The third number in the above line is the value of the velocity. In a file box1D_anal.dat we write and the first two numbers coming out from the command tail. Then we decrease the value in the file and run again. We repeat for 12 more times until reaches the value22 . We do the same23 using method 2 and we place the results for in two new columns in the file box1D_anal.dat. The result is
Convergence is studied in figure 2.21. The 1st method maximizes its accuracy for , whereas for the error becomes % and the method becomes useless. The 2nd method has much better behavior that the 1st one.
We observe that as decreases, the final value of approaches the expected . Why don’t we obtain , especially when is an integer? How many steps does it really take to reach , when the expected number of those is ? Each time you take a measurement, issue the command
which measures the number of lines in the file box1D_1.dat and compare this number with the expected one. The result is interesting:
where the second column has the number of steps computed by the program and the third one has the expected number of steps. We observe that the accuracy decreases with decreasing and in the end the difference is about 5%! Notice that the last line should have given , an error comparable to the period of the particle’s motion.
We conclude that one important source of accumulation of systematic errors is the calculation of time. This type of errors become more significant with decreasing . We can improve the accuracy of the calculation significantly if we use the multiplication t=t0+i*dt instead of the addition t=t+dt, where i is a step counter:
The main loop in the program box1D_1.cpp becomes:
The full program can be found in the file box1D_4.cpp of the accompanying software. We call this “method 3”. We perform the same change in the file box1D_2.cpp, which we store in the file box1D_5.cpp. We call this “method 4”. We repeat the same analysis using methods 3 and 4 and we find that the problem of calculating time accurately practically vanishes. The result of the analysis can be found on the right plot of figure 2.21. Methods 2 and 4 have no significant difference in their results, whereas methods 1 and 3 do have a dramatic difference, with method 3 decreasing the error more than tenfold. The problem of the increase of systematic errors with decreasing does not vanish completely due to the operation x=x+v*dt. This type of error is harder to deal with and one has to invent more elaborate algorithms in order to reduce it significantly. This will be discussed further in chapter 4.
A particle is confined to move on the plane in the area and . When it reaches the boundaries of this two dimensional box, it bounces elastically off its walls. The particle is found in an infinite depth orthogonal potential well. The particle starts moving at time from and our program will calculate its trajectory until time with time step . Such a trajectory can be seen in figure 2.23.
If the particle’s position and velocity are known at time , then at time they will be given by the relations
The collision of the particle off the walls is modeled by reflection of the normal component of the velocity when the respective coordinate of the particle crosses the wall. This is a source of the systematic errors that we discussed in the previous section. The central loop of the program is:
The full program can be found in the file box2D_1.cpp. Notice that we introduced two counters nx and ny of the particle’s collisions with the walls:
A typical session for the study of a particle’s trajectory could be:
Notice the last line of output from the program: The particle bounces off the vertical walls 6 times (nx=6) and from the horizontal ones 13 (ny=13). The gnuplot commands construct the diagrams displayed in figures 2.22 and 2.23.
In order to animate the particle’s trajectory, we can copy the file box2D_animate.gnu of the accompanying software to the current directory and give the gnuplot commands:
The last line repeats the same animation at half speed. You can also use the file animate2D.gnu discussed in section 2.1.1. We add new commands in the file box2D_animate.gnu so that the plot limits are calculated automatically and the box is drawn on the plot. The arrow drawn is not the position vector with respect to the origin of the coordinate axes, but the one connecting the initial with the current position of the particle.
The next step should be to test the accuracy of your results. This can be done by generalizing the discussion of the previous section and it is left as an exercise for the reader.
In this section we will study simple examples of motion in a box with different types of obstacles. We will start with a game of ... mini golf. The player shoots a (point) “ball” which moves in an orthogonal box of linear dimensions and and which is open on the side. In the box there is a circular “hole” with center at and radius . If the “ball” falls in the “hole”, the player wins. If the ball leaves out of the box through its open side, the player loses. In order to check if the ball is in the hole when it is at position , all we have to do is to check whether .
Initially we place the ball at the position at time . The player hits the ball which leaves with initial velocity of magnitude at an angle degrees with the axis. The program is found in the file MiniGolf.cpp and is listed below:
In order to run it, we can use the commands:
You should construct the plots of the position and the velocity of the particle. You can also use the animation program found in the file MiniGolf_animate.gnu for fun. Copy it from the accompanying software to the current directory and give the gnuplot commands:
The results are shown in figure 2.24.
The next example with be three dimensional. We will study the motion of a particle confined within a cylinder of radius and height . The collisions of the particle with the cylinder are elastic. We take the axis of the cylinder to be the axis and the two bases of the cylinder to be located at and . This is shown in figure 2.26.
The collisions of the particle with the bases of the cylinder are easy to program: we follow the same steps as in the case of the simple box. For the collision with the cylinder’s side, we consider the projection of the motion on the plane. The projection of the particle moves within a circle of radius and center at the intersection of the axis with the plane. This is shown in figure 2.25. At the collision, the component of the velocity is reflected , whereas remains the same. The velocity of the particle before the collision is
and after the collision is From the relations and , , we have that The inverse relations are With the transformation , the new velocity in Cartesian coordinates will beThe transformation , will be performed in the function reflectVonCircle(vx,vy,x,y,xc,yc,R). Upon entry to the function, we provide the initial velocity (vx,vy), the collision point (x,y), the center of the circle (xc,yc) and the radius of the circle24 R. Upon exit from the function, (vx,vy) have been replaced with the new values25 .
The program can be found in the file Cylinder3D.cpp and is listed below:
Note that the function atan2 is used for computing the angle theta. This function, when called with two arguments atan2(y,x), returns the angle in radians. The correct quadrant of the circle where lies is chosen. The angle that we want to compute is given by atan2(y-yc,x-xc). Then we apply equations (2.29) and (2.31) and in the last two lines we enforce the particle to be at the point , exactly on the circle.
A typical session is shown below:
In order to plot the position and the velocity as a function of time, we use the following gnuplot commands:
We can also compute the distance of the particle from the cylinder’s axis as a function of time using the command:
In order to plot the trajectory, together with the cylinder, we give the commands:
The command set parametric is necessary if one wants to make a parametric plot of a surface . The cylinder (without the bases) is given by the parametric equations with , .
We can also animate the trajectory with the help of the gnuplot script file Cylinder3D_animate.gnu. Copy the file from the accompanying software to the current directory and give the gnuplot commands:
The result is shown in figure 2.26.
The last example will be that of a simple model of a spacetime wormhole. This is a simple spacetime geometry which, in the framework of the theory of general relativity, describes the connection of two distant areas in space which are asymptotically flat. This means, that far enough from the wormhole’s mouths, space is almost flat - free of gravity. Such a geometry is depicted in figure 2.27. The distance traveled by someone through the mouths could be much smaller than the distance traveled outside the wormhole and, at least theoretically, traversable wormholes could be used for interstellar/intergalactic traveling and/or communications between otherwise distant areas in the universe. Of course we should note that such macroscopic and stable wormholes are not known to be possible to exist in the framework of general relativity. One needs an exotic type of matter with negative energy density which has never been observed. Such exotic geometries may realize microscopically as quantum fluctuations of spacetime and make the small scale structure of the geometry26 a “spacetime foam”.
We will study a very simple model of the above geometry on the plane with a particle moving freely in it27 .
We take the two dimensional plane and cut two equal disks of radius with centers at distance like in figure 2.28. We identify the points on the two circles such that the point 1 of the left circle is the same as the point 1 on the right circle, the point 2 on the left with the point 2 on the right etc. The two circles are given by the parametric equations , , for the right circle and , , for the left. Points on the two circles with the same are identified. A particle entering the wormhole from the left circle with velocity is immediately exiting from the right with velocity as shown in figure 2.28.
Then we will do the following:
Define the right circle by the parametric equations
| (2.32) |
and the left circle by the parametric equations
| (2.33) |
The particle’s position changes at time by
for for given , and as long as . If the point is outside the boundaries , , we redefine , in each case respectively. Points defined by the same value of are identified, i.e. they represent the same points of space. If the point crosses either one of the circles or , then we take the particle out from the other circle.Crossing the circle is determined by the relation
| (2.35) |
The angle is calculated from the equation
| (2.36) |
and the point is mapped to the point where
| (2.37) |
as can be seen in figure 2.29. For mapping , we first calculate the vectors
| (2.38) |
so that the velocity
| (2.39) |
where the radial components are and . Therefore, the relations that give the “emerging” velocity are:
| (2.40) |
Similarly we calculate the case of entering from and emerging from . The condition now is:
| (2.41) |
The angle is given by
| (2.42) |
and the point is mapped to the point where
| (2.43) |
For mapping , we calculate the vectors
| (2.44) |
so that the velocity
| (2.45) |
The emerging velocity is:
| (2.46) |
Systematic errors are now coming from crossing the two mouths of the wormhole. There are no systematic errors from crossing the boundaries , (why?). Try to think of ways to control those errors and study them.
The closed trajectories that we are looking for come from the initial conditions
| (2.47) |
and they connect points 1 of figure 2.28. They are unstable, as can be seen by taking .
The closed trajectories that cross the wormhole and “wind” through space can come from the initial conditions
and cross the points and respectively. They are also unstable, as can be easily verified by using the program that you will write. The full program is listed below:
It is easy to compile and run the program. See also the files Wormhole.csh and Wormhole_animate.gnu of the accompanying software and run the gnuplot commands:
You are now ready to answer the rest of the questions that we asked in our list.
Nonlinear differential equations model interesting dynamical systems in physics, biology and other branches of science. In this chapter we perform a numerical study of the discrete logistic map as a “simple mathematical model with complex dynamical properties” [23] similar to the ones encountered in more complicated and interesting dynamical systems. For certain values of the parameter of the map, one finds chaotic behavior giving us an opportunity to touch on this very interesting topic with important consequences in physical phenomena. Chaotic evolution restricts out ability for useful predictions in an otherwise fully deterministic dynamical system: measurements using slightly different initial conditions result in a distribution which is indistinguishable from the distribution coming from sampling a random process. This scientific field is huge and active and we refer the reader to the bibliography for a more complete introduction [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 40].
The most celebrated application of the logistic map comes from the study of population growth in biology. One considers populations which reproduce at fixed time intervals and whose generations do not overlap.
The simplest (and most naive) model is the one that makes the reasonable assumption that the rate of population growth of a population is proportional to the current population:
| (3.1) |
The general solution of the above equation is showing an exponential population growth for an decline for . It is obvious that this model is reasonable as long as the population is small enough so that the interaction with its environment (adequate food, diseases, predators etc) can be neglected. The simplest model that takes into account some of the factors of the interaction with the environment (e.g. starvation) is obtained by the introduction of a simple non linear term in the equation so that
| (3.2) |
The parameter gives the maximum growth rate of the population and controls the ability of the species to maintain a certain population level. The equation (3.2) can be discretized in time by assuming that each generation reproduces every and that the n-th generation has population where . Then and equation (3.1) becomes
| (3.3) |
where . The solutions of the above equation are well approximated by so that we have population growth when and decline when . Equation (3.2) can be discretized as follows:
| (3.4) |
Defining we obtain the logistic map
| (3.5) |
We define the functions
| (3.6) |
(their only difference is that, in the first one, is considered as a given parameter), so that
| (3.7) |
where we use the notation , , , for function composition. In what follows, the derivative of will be useful:
| (3.8) |
Since we interpret to be the fraction of the population with respect to its maximum value, we should have for each1 . The function has one global maximum for which is equal to . Therefore, if , then , which for an appropriate choice of will lead to for some value of . Therefore, the interval of values of which is of interest for our model is
| (3.9) |
The logistic map (3.5) may be viewed as a finite difference equation and it is a one step inductive relation. Given an initial value , a sequence of values is produced. This will be referred2 to as the trajectory of . In the following sections we will study the properties of these trajectories as a function of the parameter .
The solutions of the logistic map are not known except in special cases. For we have
| (3.10) |
and for3
| (3.11) |
For , whereas for we have periodic trajectories resulting in rational and non periodic resulting in irrational . For other values of we have to resort to a numerical computation of the trajectories of the logistic map.
It is obvious that if the point is a solution of the equation , then for every . For the function we have two solutions
| (3.12) |
We will see that for appropriate values of , these solutions are attractors of most of the trajectories. This means that for a range of values for the initial point , the sequence approaches asymptotically one of these points as . Obviously the (measure zero) sets of initial values and result in trajectories attracted by and respectively. In order to determine which one of the two values is preferred, we need to study the stability of the fixed points and . For this, assume that for some value of , is infinitesimally close to the fixed point so that
| (3.14) |
where we used the Taylor expansion of the analytic function about and the relation , we have that . Then we obtain
| (3.15) |
Therefore, if we obtain and the fixed point is stable: the sequence approaches asymptotically. If then the sequence deviates away from and the fixed point is unstable. The limiting case should be studied separately and it indicates a change in the stability properties of the fixed point. In the following discussion, these points will be shown to be bifurcation points.
For the function with we have that and . Therefore, if the point is an attractor, whereas the point is irrelevant. When , the point results in , therefore is unstable. Any initial value near deviates from it. Since for we have that , the point is an attractor. Any initial value approaches . When we have the limiting case and we say that at the critical value the fixed point bifurcates to the two fixed points and .
As increases, the fixed points continue to bifurcate. Indeed, when we have that and for the point becomes unstable. Consider the solution of the equation . If is one of its solutions and for some we have that , then and (therefore is also a solution). If are two such different solutions with , , then the trajectory is periodic with period 2. The points , are such that they are real solutions of the equation
| (3.16) |
and at the same time they are not the solutions of the equation4 , the polynomial above can be written in the form (see [24] for more details)
| (3.17) |
By expanding the polynomials (3.16) , (3.17) and comparing their coefficients we conclude that , and . The roots of the trinomial in (3.17) are determined by the discriminant . For the values of of interest (), the discriminant becomes positive when and we have two different solutions
| (3.18) |
When we have one double root, therefore a unique fixed point.
The study of the stability of the solutions of requires the same steps that led to the equation (3.15) and we determine if the absolute value of is greater, less or equal to one. By noting that5 , we see that for , and for , . For the intermediate values the derivatives for . Therefore, these points are stable solutions of and the points bifurcate to , for . Almost all trajectories with initial points in the interval are attracted by the periodic trajectory with period 2, the “2-cycle” .
Using similar arguments we find that the fixed points , bifurcate to the eight fixed points , when . These are real solutions of the equation that gives the 4-cycle . For , the points , are a stable 4-cycle which is an attractor of almost all trajectories of the logistic map6 . Similarly, for the 16 fixed points of the equation give a stable 8-cycle, for a stable 16-cycle etc7 . This is the phenomenon which is called period doubling which continues ad infinitum. The points are getting closer to each other as increases so that . As we will see, marks the onset of the non-periodic, chaotic behavior of the trajectories of the logistic map.
Computing the bifurcation points becomes quickly intractable and we have to resort to a numerical computation of their values. Initially we will write a program that computes trajectories of the logistic map for chosen values of and . The program can be found in the file logistic.cpp and is listed below:
The program is compiled and run using the commands:
The command echo prints to the stdout the values of the parameters NSTEPS=100, r=0.5 and x0=0.1. Its stdout is redirected to the stdin of the command ./l by using a pipe via the symbol |, from which the program reads their value and uses them in the calculation. The results can be found in two columns in the file log.dat and can be plotted using gnuplot. The plots are put in figure 3.1 and we can see the first two bifurcations when goes past the values and . Similarly, we can study trajectories which are -cycles when crosses the values .
Another way to depict the 2-cycles is by constructing the cobweb plots: We start from the point and we calculate the point , where . This point belongs on the curve . The point is then projected on the diagonal and we obtain the point . We repeat times obtaining the points and on and respectively. The fixed points are at the intersections of these curves and, if they are attractors, the trajectories will converge on them. If we have a -cycle, we will observe a periodic trajectory going through points which are solutions to the equation . This exercise can be done by using the following program, which can be found in the file logistic1.cpp:
Compiling and running this program is done exactly as in the case of the program in logistic.cpp. We can plot the results using gnuplot. The plot in figure 3.2 can be constructed using the commands:
The plot command shown above, runs the program exactly as it is done on the command line. This is accomplished by using the symbol <, which reads the plot from the stdout of the command "echo 50 3.3 0.2|./l;cat trj.dat". Only the second command "echo trj.dat" writes to the stdout, therefore the plot is constructed from the contents of the file trj.dat. The following line adds the plots of the functions , and of the diagonal . Figures 3.2 and 3.3 show examples of attractors which are fixed points, 2-cycles and 4-cycles. An example of a non periodic trajectory is also shown, which exhibits chaotic behavior which can happen when .
The bifurcations of the fixed points of the logistic map discussed in the previous section can be conveniently shown on the “bifurcation diagram”. We remind to the reader that the first bifurcations happen at the critical values of r
| (3.19) |
where , , and . For we have fixed points , of . By plotting these points as a function of we construct the bifurcation diagram. These can be calculated numerically by using the program bifurcate.cpp. In this program, the user selects the values of that she needs to study and for each one of them the program records the point of the -cycles8 , . This is easily done by computing the logistic map several times until we are sure that the trajectories reach the stable state. The parameter NTRANS in the program determines the number of points that we throw away, which should contain all the transient behavior. After NTRANS steps, the program records NSTEPS points, where NSTEPS should be large enough to cover all the points of the -cycles or depict a dense enough set of values of the non periodic orbits. The program is listed below:
The program can be compiled and run using the commands:
The left plot of figure 3.4 can be constructed by the gnuplot commands:
We observe the fixed points and the -cycles for . When goes past , the trajectories become non-periodic and exhibit chaotic behavior. Chaotic behavior will be discussed more extensively in the next section. For the time being, we note that if we measure the distance between the points , we find that it decreases constantly with so that
| (3.20) |
where is the Feigenbaum constant. An additional constant , defined by the quotient of the separation of adjacent elements of period doubled attractors from one double to the next , is
| (3.21) |
It is also interesting to note the appearance of a 3-cycle right after ! By using the theorem of Sharkovskii, Li and Yorke9 showed that any one dimensional system has 3-cycles, therefore it will have cycles of any length and chaotic trajectories. The stability of the 3-cycle can be studied from the solutions of in exactly the same way that we did in equations (3.16) and (3.17) (see [24] for details). Figure 3.5 magnifies a branch of the 3-cycle. By magnifying different regions in the bifurcation plot, as shown in the right plot of figure 3.4, we find similar shapes to the branching of the 3-cycle.
Figure 3.4 shows that between intervals of chaotic behavior we obtain “windows” of periodic trajectories. These are infinite but countable. It is also quite interesting to note that if we magnify a branch withing these windows, we obtain a diagram that is similar to the whole diagram! We say that the bifurcation diagram exhibits self similarity. There are more interesting properties of the bifurcation diagram and we refer the reader to the bibliography for a more complete exposition.
We close this section by mentioning that the qualitative properties of the bifurcation diagram are the same for a whole class of functions. Feigenbaum discovered that if one takes any function that is concave and has a unique global maximum, its bifurcation diagram behaves qualitatively the same way as that of the logistic map. Examples of such functions10 studied in the literature are , and . The constants and of equations (3.20) and (3.21) are the same of all these mappings. The functions that result in chaotic behavior are studied extensively in the literature and you can find a list of those in [30].
In order to determine the bifurcation points, one has to solve the nonlinear, polynomial, algebraic equations and . For this reason, one has to use an approximate numerical calculation of the roots, and the simple Newton-Raphson method will prove to be a good choice.
Newton-Raphson’s method uses an initial guess for the solution of the equation and computes a sequence of points that presumably converges to one of the roots of the equation. The computation stops at a finite , when we decide that the desired level of accuracy has been achieved. In order to understand how it works, we assume that is an analytic function for all the values of used in the computation. Then, by Taylor expanding around we obtain
| (3.22) |
If we wish to have , we choose
| (3.23) |
The equation above gives the Newton-Raphson method for one equation of one variable . Different choices for will possibly lead to different roots. When , are non zero at the root and is bounded, the convergence of the method is quadratic with the number of iterations. This means that there is a neighborhood of the root such that the distance is . If the root has multiplicity larger than 1, convergence is slower. The proofs of these statements are simple and can be found in [31].
The Newton-Raphson method is simple to program and, most of the times, sufficient for the solution of many problems. In the general case it works well only close enough to a root. We should also keep in mind that there are simple reasons for the method to fail. For example, when for some , the method stops. For functions that tend to as , it is easy to make a bad choice for that does not lead to convergence to a root. Sometimes it is a good idea to combine the Newton-Raphson method with the bisection method. When the derivative diverges at the root we might get into trouble. For example, the equation with , does not lead to a convergent sequence. In some cases, we might enter into non-convergent cycles [8]. For some functions the basin of attraction of a root (the values of that will converge to the root) can be tiny. See problem 13.
As a test case of our program, consider the equation
| (3.24) |
which results from the solution of Schrödinger’s equation for the energy spectrum of a quantum mechanical particle of mass in a one dimensional potential well of depth and width . The parameters and . Given , we solve for which gives the energy . The function and its derivative are
The program of the Newton-Raphson method for solving the equation can be found in the file nr.cpp:
In the program listed above, the user is asked to set the initial point . We fix rho . It is instructive to make the plot of the left and right hand sides of (3.24) and make a graphical determination of the roots from their intersections. Then we can make appropriate choices of the initial point . Using gnuplot, the plots are made with the commands:
The compilation and running of the program can be done as follows:
We conclude that one of the roots of the equation is . The reader can compute more of these roots by following these steps by herself.
The method discussed above can be easily generalized to the case of two equations. Suppose that we need to solve simultaneously two algebraic equations and . In order to compute a sequence , , , , , that may converge to a root of the above system of equations, we Taylor expand the two functions around
Defining and and setting , , we obtain This is a linear system of equations where and , with . Solving for we obtain The iterations stop when become small enough.As an example, consider the equations with , . We have , , , . The program can be found in the file nr2.cpp:
In order to guess the region where the real roots of the systems lie, we make a 3-dimensional plot using gnuplot:
We plot the functions together with the plane . The intersection of the three surfaces determine the roots we are looking for. Compiling and running the program can be done by using the commands:
The computation above leads to the roots , , .
The Newton-Raphson method for many variables becomes hard quite soon: One needs to calculate the functions as well as their derivatives, which is prohibitively expensive for many problems. It is also hard to determine the roots, since the method converges satisfactorily only very close to the roots. We refer the reader to [8] for more information on how one can deal with these problems.
In order to determine the bifurcation points for we will solve the algebraic equations and . At these points, -cycles become unstable and -cycles appear and are stable. This happens when , where . We will look for solutions for .
We define the functions and as in equation (3.6) . We will solve the algebraic equations:
According to the discussion of the previous section, in order to calculate the roots of these equations we have to solve the linear system (3.28) , where the coefficients are The derivatives will be calculated approximately using finite differences and similarly for the second derivatives We are now ready to write the program for the Newton-Raphson method like in the previous section. The only difference is the approximate calculation of the derivatives using the relations above and the calculation of the function by a routine that will compose the function -times. The program can be found in the file bifurcationPoints.cpp:Compiling and running the program can be done as follows:
The above listing shows the points of the 2-cycle and some of the points of the 4-cycle. It is also possible to compare the calculated value with the expected one . Improving the accuracy of the calculation is left as an exercise for the reader who has to control the systematic errors of the calculations and achieve better accuracy in the computation of .
We have seen that when , the trajectories of the logistic map become non periodic and exhibit chaotic behavior. Chaotic behavior mostly means sensitivity of the evolution of a dynamical system to the choice of initial conditions. More precisely, it means that two different trajectories constructed from infinitesimally close initial conditions, diverge very fast from each other. This implies that there is a set of initial conditions that densely cover subintervals of whose trajectories do not approach arbitrarily close to any cycle of finite length.
Assume that two trajectories have , as initial points and . When the points , have a distance that for small enough increases exponentially with (the “time”), i.e.
| (3.34) |
the system is most likely exhibiting chaotic behavior11 . The exponent is called a Liapunov exponent. A useful equation for the calculation of is
| (3.35) |
This relation can be easily proved by considering infinitesimal so that . Then we obtain
We can show by induction that and by taking the logarithm and the limits we can prove (3.35) .A first attempt to calculate the Liapunov exponents could be made by using the definition (3.34) . We modify the program logistic.cpp so that it calculates two trajectories whose initial distance is epsilon:
After running the program, the quantity is found at the fourth column of the file lia.dat. The curves of figure 3.7 can be constructed by using the commands:
The last line plots the stdout of the command "echo 200 3.6 0.2 1e-15 |./l;cat lia.dat", i.e. the contents of the file lia.dat produced after running our program using the parameters NSTEPS , r , x0 and epsilon . The gnuplot command set logscale y, puts the y axis in a logarithmic scale. Therefore an exponential function is shown as a straight line and this is what we see in figure 3.7: The points tend to lie on a straight line as decreases. The slopes of these lines are equal to the Liapunov exponent . Deviations from the straight line behavior indicates corrections and systematic errors, as we point out in figure 3.7. A different initial condition results in a slightly different value of , and the true value can be estimated as the average over several such choices. We estimate the error of our computation from the standard error of the mean. The reader should perform such a computation as an exercise.
One can perform a fit of the points to the exponential function in the following way: Since , we can make a fit to a straight line instead. Using gnuplot, the relevant commands are:
The command shown above fits the data to the function a*x+b by taking the 1st column and the logarithm of the 4th column (using 1:(log($4))) of the stdout of the command that we used for creating the previous plot. We choose data for which ([5:53]) and the fitting parameters are a,b (via a,b). The second line, adds the fitted function to the plot.
Now we are going to use equation (3.35) for calculating . This equation is approximately correct when (a) we have already reached the steady state and (b) in the large limit. For this reason we should study if we obtain a satisfactory convergence when we (a) “throw away” a number of NTRANS steps, (b) calculate the sum (3.35) for increasing NSTEPS= (c) calculate the sum (3.35) for many values of the initial point . This has to be carefully repeated for all values of since each factor will contribute differently to the quality of the convergence: In regions that manifest chaotic behavior (large ) convergence will be slower. The program can be found in the file liapunov2.cpp:
After NTRANS steps, the program calculates NSTEPS times the sum of the terms . At each step the sum divided by the number of steps i is printed to the file lia.dat. Figure 3.6 shows the results for . This is a point where the system exhibits strong chaotic behavior and convergence is achieved after we compute a large number of steps. Using NTRANS and NSTEPS the achieved accuracy is about % with . The main contribution to the error comes from the different paths followed by each initial point chosen. The plot can be constructed with the gnuplot commands:
The plot command runs the program using the parameters NTRANS , NSTEPS , r and x0 and plots the results from the contents of the file lia.dat.
In order to determine the regions of chaotic behavior we have to study the dependence of the Liapunov exponent on the value of . Using our experience coming from the careful computation of before, we will run the program for several values of using the parameters NTRANS , NSTEPS from the initial point x0 . This calculation gives accuracy of the order of %. If we wish to measure carefully and estimate the error of the results, we have to follow the steps described in figures 3.7 and 3.8. The program can be found in the file liapunov3.cpp and it is a simple modification of the previous program so that it can perform the calculation for many values of .
The program can be compiled and run using the commands:
The character & makes the program ./l to run in the background. This is recommended for programs that run for a long time, so that the shell returns the prompt to the user and the program continues to run even after the shell is terminated.
The data are saved in the file lia.dat and we can make the plot shown in figure 3.7 using gnuplot:
Now we can compare figure 3.9 with the bifurcation diagram shown in figure 3.4. The intervals with correspond to stable -cycles. The intervals where correspond to manifestation of strong chaos. These intervals are separated by points with where the system exhibits weak chaos. This means that neighboring trajectories diverge from each other with a power law instead of an exponential, where is a positive exponent that needs to be determined. The parameter is the one usually used in the literature. Strong chaos is obtained in the limit. For larger , switching between chaotic and stable periodic trajectories is observed each time changes sign. The critical values of can be computed with relatively high accuracy by restricting the calculation to a small enough neighborhood of the critical point. You can do this using the program listed above by setting the parameters rmin and rmax.
We can also study the chaotic properties of the trajectories of the logistic map by computing the distribution of the values of in the interval . After the transitional period, the distribution for the cycles will have support only at the points of the cycles, whereas for the chaotic regimes it will have support on subintervals of . The distribution function is independent for most of the initial points of the trajectories. If one obtains a large number of points from many trajectories of the logistic map, it will be practically impossible to understand that these are produced by a deterministic rule. For this reason, chaotic systems can be used for the production of pseudorandom numbers, as we will see in chapter 11. By measuring the entropy, which is a measure of disorder in a system, we can quantify the “randomness” of the distribution. As we will see in chapter 12, it is given by the equation
| (3.37) |
where is the probability of observing the state . In our case, we can make an approximate calculation of by dividing the interval to subintervals of width . For given we obtain a large number of values of the logistic map and we compute the histogram of their distribution in the intervals . The probability density is obtained from the limit of as becomes large and small (large ). Indeed, converges to . We will define .
The program listed below calculates for chosen values of , and then the entropy is calculated using (3.37) . It is a simple modification of the program in liapunov3.cpp where we add the parameter NHIST counting the number of intervals for the histograms. The probability density is calculated in the array p[NHIST]. The program can be found in the file entropy.cpp:
For the calculation of the distribution functions and the entropy we have to choose the parameters which control the systematic error. The parameter NTRANS should be large enough so that the transitional behavior will not contaminate our results. Our measurements must be checked for being independent of its value. The same should be done for the initial point xstart. The parameter NHIST controls the partitioning of the interval and the width , so it should be large enough. The parameter NSTEPS is the number of “measurements” for each value of and it should be large enough in order to reduce the “noise” in . It is obvious that NSTEPS should be larger when becomes smaller. Appropriate choices lead to the plots shown in figures 3.10 and 3.11 for , and . We see that stronger chaotic behavior means a wider distribution of the values of .
The entropy is shown in figure 3.12. The stable periodic trajectories lead to small entropy, whereas the chaotic ones lead to large entropy. There is a sudden increase in the value of the entropy at the beginning of chaos at , which increases even further as the chaotic behavior becomes stronger. During the intermissions of the chaotic behavior there are sudden drops in the value of the entropy. It is quite instructive to compare the entropy diagrams with the corresponding bifurcation diagrams (see figure 3.4) and the Liapunov exponent diagrams (see figure 3.9). The entropy is increasing until reaches its maximum value 4, but this is not done smoothly. By magnifying the corresponding areas in the plot, we can see an infinite number of sudden drops in the entropy in intervals of that become more and more narrow.
Several of the programs that you need to write for solving the problems of this chapter can be found in the Problems directory of the accompanying software of this chapter.
As you can see, we set NSTEPS = 1000, r = 0.5, x0 = 0.5. By setting the limits [10:] to the fit command, the fit includes only the points , therefore avoiding the transitional period and the deviation from the exponential falloff for small .
The solutions of the equation (3.3) is . How is this related to the values that you computed in your table?
What do you observe?
The command r=1 sets the value of . Take , , , , . Determine the fixed points and the -cycles from the intersections of the plots with the diagonal .
The file rcrit contains the values of table 3.1. You should vary the parameters nmin, nmax and repeat until you obtain a stable fit.
| (3.38) |
| (3.39) |
| (3.40) |
| (3.41) |
Construct the bifurcation diagram for . Within which limits do the values of lie in? On the same graph, plot the functions , .
Magnify the diagram in the area and . At which point do the two disconnected intervals within which take their values merge into one? Magnify the areas , and , and determine the merging points of two disconnected intervals within which take their values.
| (3.42) |
Construct the bifurcation diagram for and . Make your program to take as the initial point of the new trajectory to be the last one of the previous trajectory and choose for . Repeat for . What do you observe? Note that as is increased, we obtain bifurcations and “anti-bifurcations”.
| (3.43) |
(Make sure that your program keeps the values of so that ). Construct the bifurcation diagram for and .
In this chapter we will study the numerical solution of classical equations of motion of one dimensional mechanical systems, e.g. a point particle moving on the line, the simple pendulum etc. We will make an introduction to the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations with initial conditions and in particular to the Euler and Runge-Kutta methods. We study in detail the examples of the damped harmonic oscillator and of the damped pendulum under the influence of an external periodic force. The latter system is nonlinear and exhibits interesting chaotic behavior.
Consider the problem of the solution of the dynamical equations of motion of one particle under the influence of a dynamical field given by Newton’s law. The equations can be written in the form
| (4.1) |
| (4.2) |
From the numerical analysis point of view, the problems that we will discuss are initial value problems for ordinary differential equations where the initial conditions
| (4.3) |
determine a unique solution . The equations (4.1) are of second order with respect to time and it is convenient to write them as a system of twice as many first order equations:
| (4.4) |
In particular, we will be interested in the study of the motion of a particle moving on a line (1 dimension), therefore the above equations become
When the particle moves on the plane (2 dimensions) the equations of motion become
As a first attempt to tackle the problem, we will study a simple pendulum of length in a homogeneous gravitational field (figure 4.1).
The equations of motion are given by the differential equations
which can be rewritten as a first order system of differential equations The equations above need to be written in a discrete form appropriate for a numerical solution with the aid of a computer. We split the interval of time of integration to equal intervals1 of width , where . The derivatives are approximated by the relations , so that where is the angular acceleration. This is the so-called Euler method. The error at each step is estimated to be of order . This is most easily seen by Taylor expanding around the point and neglecting all terms starting from the second derivative and beyond2 . What we are mostly interested in is in the total error of the estimate of the functions we integrate for at time ! We expect that errors accumulate in an additive way at each integration step, and since the number of steps is the total error should be . This is indeed what happens, and we say that Euler’s method is a first order method. Its range of applicability is limited and we only study it for academic reasons. Euler’s method is asymmetric because it uses information only from the beginning of the integration interval . It can be put in a more balanced form by using the velocity at the end of the interval . This way we obtain the Euler-Cromer method with a slightly improved behavior, but which is still of first orderAn improved algorithm is the Euler–Verlet method which is of second order and gives total error3 . This is given by the equations
The price that we have to pay is that we have to use a two step relation in order to advance the solution to the next step. This implies that we have to carefully determine the initial conditions of the problem which are given only at one given time . We make one Euler time step backwards in order to define the value of . If the initial conditions are , , then we define
| (4.12) |
It is important that at this step the error introduced is not larger than , otherwise it will spoil and eventually dominate the total error of the method introduced by the intermediate steps. At the last step we also have to take
| (4.13) |
Even though the method has smaller total error than the Euler method, it becomes unstable for small enough due to roundoff errors. In particular, the second equation in (4.11) gives the angular velocity as the ratio of two small numbers. The problem is that the numerator is the result of the subtraction of two almost equal numbers. For small enough , this difference has to be computed from the last digits of the finite representation of the numbers and in the computer memory. The accuracy in the determination of decreases until it eventually becomes exactly zero. For the first equation of (4.11) , the term is smaller by a factor compared to the term in Euler’s method. At some point, by decreasing , we obtain and the accuracy of the method vanishes due to the finite representation of real number in the memory of the computer. When the numbers and differ from each other by more that approximately sixteen orders of magnitude, adding the first one to the second is equivalent to adding zero and the contribution of the acceleration vanishes4 .
Writing programs that implement the methods discussed so far is quite simple. We will write a program that compares the results from all three methods Euler, Euler–Cromer and Euler–Verlet. The main program is mainly a user interface, and the computation is carried out by three functions euler, euler_cromer and euler_verlet. The user must provide the function accel(x) which gives the angular acceleration as a function of x. The variable x in our problem corresponds to the angle . For starters we take accel(x)= -10.0 * sin(x), the acceleration of the simple pendulum.
The data structure is very simple: Three double arrays T[P], X[P] and V[P] store the times , the angles and the angular velocities for . The user determines the time interval for the integration from to and the number of discrete times Nt. The latter should be less than P, the size of the arrays. She also provides the initial conditions and . After this, we call the main integration functions which take as input the initial conditions, the time interval of the integration and the number of discrete times Xin,Vin,Tfi,Nt. The output of the routines is the arrays T,X,V which store the results for the time, position and velocity respectively. The results are printed to the files euler.dat, euler_cromer.dat and euler_verlet.dat.
After setting the initial conditions and computing the time step , the integration in each of the functions is performed in for loops which advance the solution by time . The results are stored at each step in the arrays T,X,V. For example, the central part of the program for Euler’s method is:
Some care has to be taken in the case of the Euler–Verlet method where one has to initialize the first two steps, as well as take special care for the last step for the velocity:
The full program can be found in the file euler.cpp and is listed below:
Compiling the running the program can be done with the commands:
The last command shows the first 5 lines of the file euler.dat. We see the data for the time, the position and the velocity stored in 3 columns. We can graph the results using gnuplot:
These commands result in plotting the positions and the velocities as a function of time respectively. We can add the results of all methods to the last plot with the commands:
The results can be seen in figures 4.2–4.7. Euler’s method is unstable unless we take a quite small time step. The Euler–Cromer method behaves impressively better. The results converge and remain constant for Nt. The Euler–Verlet method converges much faster, but roundoff errors kick in soon. This is more obvious in figure 4.7 where the initial angular position is large5 . For small angles we can compare with the solution one obtains for the harmonic pendulum ():
In figures 4.2–4.4 we observe that the results agree with the above formulas for the values of where the methods converge. This way we can check our program for bugs. The plot of the functions above can be done with the following gnuplot commands6 :The results should not be compared only graphically since subtle differences can remain unnoticed. It is more desirable to plot the differences of the theoretical values from the numerically computed ones which can be done using the commands:
The command using 1:($2-x($1)) puts the values found in the first column on the axis and the value found in the second column minus the value of the function x(t) for equal to the value found in the first column on the axis. This way, we can make the plots shown in7 figures 4.11-4.14.
Euler’s method is a one step finite difference method of first order. First order means that the total error introduced by the discretization of the integration interval by discrete times is of order , where is the time step of the integration. In this section we will discuss a generalization of this approach where the total error will be of higher order in . This is the class of Runge-Kutta methods which are one step algorithms where the total discretization error is of order . The local error introduced at each step is of order leading after steps to a maximum error of order
| (4.15) |
In such a case we say that we have a Runge-Kutta method of order. The price one has to pay for the increased accuracy is the evaluation of the derivatives of the functions in more than one points in the interval .
Let’s consider for simplicity the problem with only one unknown function which evolves in time according to the differential equation:
| (4.16) |
Consider the first order method first. The most naive approach would be to take the derivative to be given by the finite difference
| (4.17) |
By Taylor expanding, we see that the error at each step is , therefore the error after integrating from is . Indeed,
| (4.18) |
The geometry of the step is shown in figure 4.8. We start from point 1 and by linearly extrapolating in the direction of the derivative we determine the point .
We can improve the method above by introducing an intermediate point 2. This process is depicted in figure 4.9. We take the point 2 in the middle of the interval by making a linear extrapolation from in the direction of the derivative . Then we use the slope at point 2 as an estimator of the derivative within this interval, i.e. . We use to linearly extrapolate from to . Summarizing, we have that
For the procedure described above we have to evaluate twice at each step, thereby doubling the computational effort. The error at each step (4.19) becomes , however, giving a total error of . So for given computational time, (4.19) is superior to (4.17) .We can further improve the accuracy gain by using the Runge–Kutta method of 4th order. In this case we have 4 evaluations of the derivative per step, but the total error becomes now and the method is superior to that of (4.19) 8. The process followed is explained geometrically in figure 4.10. We use 3 intermediate points for evolving the solution from to . Point 2 is determined by linearly extrapolating from to the midpoint of the interval by using the direction given by the derivative , i.e. . We calculate the derivative at the point 2 and we use it in order to determine point 3, also located at the midpoint of the interval . Then we calculate the derivative at the point 3 and we use it to linearly extrapolate to the end of the interval , thereby obtaining point 4, i.e. . Then we calculate the derivative at the point 4, and we use all four derivative and as estimators of the derivative of the function in the interval . If each derivative contributes with a particular weight in this estimate, the discretization error can become . Such a choice is
We note that the second term of the last equation takes an average of the four derivatives with weights , , and respectively. A generic small change in these values will increase the discretization error to worse than .We remind to the reader the fact that by decreasing the discretization errors decrease, but that roundoff errors will start showing up for small enough . Therefore, a careful determination of that minimizes the total error should be made by studying the dependence of the results as a function of .
Consider the problem of the motion of a particle in one dimension. For this, we have to integrate a system of two differential equations (4.5) for two unknown functions of time and so that
| (4.21) |
In this case, equations (4.20) generalize to:
Programming this algorithm is quite simple. The main program is an interface between the user and the driver routine of the integration. The user enters the initial and final times Ti and Tf and the number of discrete time points Nt. The initial conditions are X10, X20. The main data structure consists of three global double arrays T[P], X1[P], X2[P] which store the times and the corresponding values of the functions and , . The main program calls the driver routine RK(Ti,Tf,X10,X20,Nt) which “drives” the heart of the program, the function RKSTEP(t,x1,x2,dt) which performs one integration step using equations (4.22) . RKSTEP evolves the functions x1, x2 at time t by one step dt. The function RK stores the calculated values in the arrays T, X1 and X2 at each step. When RK returns the control to the main program, all the results are stored in T, X1 and X2, which are subsequently printed in the file rk.dat. The full program is listed below and can be found in the file rk.cpp:
In this section we will check our programs for correctness and accuracy w.r.t. discretization and roundoff errors. The simplest test is to check the results against a known analytic solution of a simple model. This will be done for the simple harmonic oscillator. We will change the functions that compute the acceleration of the particle to give . We will take (). Therefore the relevant part of the program in euler.cpp becomes
and that of the program in rk.cpp becomes
The programs are run for a given time interval to with the initial conditions , . The time step is varied by varying the number of steps Nt-1. The computed numerical solution is compared to the well known solution for the simple harmonic oscillator
We study the deviation and as a function of the time step . The results are shown in figures 4.11–4.14. We note that for the Euler method and the Euler–Cromer method, the errors are of order as expected. However, the latter has smaller errors compared to the first one. For the Euler–Verlet method, the error turns out to be of order whereas for the 4th order Runge–Kutta is of order9 .Another way for checking the numerical results is by looking at a conserved quantity, like the energy, momentum or angular momentum, and study its deviation from its original value. In our case we study the mechanical energy
| (4.24) |
which is computed at each step. The deviation is shown in figures 4.15–4.18.
In this section we will study a simple harmonic oscillator subject to a damping force proportional to its velocity and an external periodic driving force, which for simplicity will be taken to have a sinusoidal dependence in time,
| (4.25) |
where and is the angular frequency of the driving force.
Consider initially the system without the influence of the driving force, i.e. with . The real solutions of the differential equation10 which are finite for are given by
| (4.26) |
| (4.27) |
In the last case, the solution oscillates with an amplitude decreasing exponentially with time.
In the case, the general solution is obtained from the sum of a special solution and the solution of the homogeneous equation . A special solution can be obtained from the ansatz , which when substituted in (4.25) and solved for and we find that
| (4.29) |
| (4.30) |
The solution decreases exponentially with time and eventually only remains. The only case where this is not true, is when we have resonance without damping for , . In that case the solution is
| (4.31) |
The first two terms are the same as that of the simple harmonic oscillator. The last one increases the amplitude linearly with time, which is a result of the influx of energy from the external force to the oscillator.
Our program will be a simple modification of the program in rk.cpp. The main routines RK(T0,TF,X10,X20,Nt) and RKSTEP(t,x1,x2,dt) remain as they are. We only change the user interface. The basic parameters , , , are entered interactively by the user from the standard input stdin. These parameters should be accessible also by the function f2(t,x1,x2) and they are declared within the global scope. Another point that needs our attention is the function f2(t,x1,x2) which now takes the velocity x2 in its arguments:
The main program, found in the file dlo.cpp, is listed below. The functions RK, RKSTEP are the same as in rk.cpp and should also be included in the same file.
The results are shown in figures 4.19–4.22. Figure 4.19 shows the transition from a damped motion for to an oscillating motion with damping amplitude for . The exponential decrease of the amplitude is shown in figure 4.21, whereas the dependence of the period from the damping coefficient is shown in figure 4.22. Motivated by equation (4.28) , written in the form
| (4.32) |
we construct the plot in figure 4.22. The right hand side of the equation is put on the horizontal axis, whereas the left hand side on the vertical. Equation (4.32) predicts that both quantities are equal and all measurements should lie on a particular line, the diagonal . The period can be estimated from the time between two consecutive extrema of or two consecutive zeros of the velocity (see figure 4.19).
Finally it is important to study the trajectory of the system in phase space. This can be seen11 in figure 4.20. A point in this space is a state of the system and a trajectory describes the evolution of the system’s states in time. We see that all such trajectories end up as to the point , independently of the initial conditions. Such a point is an example of a system’s attractor.
Next, we add the external force and study the response of the system to it. The system exhibits a transient behavior that depends on the initial conditions. For large enough times it approaches a steady state that does not depend on (almost all of) the initial conditions. This can be seen in figure 4.23. This is easily understood for our system by looking at equations (4.26) – (4.28) . We see that the steady state becomes dominant when the exponentials have damped away. can be written in the form
These equations are verified in figure 4.24 where we study the dependence of the amplitude on the angular frequency of the driving force. Finally we study the trajectory of the system in phase space. As we can see in figure 4.20, this time the attractor is an ellipse, which is a one dimensional curve instead of a zero dimensional point. For large enough times, all trajectories approach their attractor asymptotically.In this section we will study a non-linear dynamical system which exhibits interesting chaotic behavior. This is a simple model which, despite its deterministic nature, the prediction of its future behavior becomes intractable after a short period of time. Consider a simple pendulum in a constant gravitational field whose motion is damped by a force proportional to its velocity and it is under the influence of a vertical, harmonic external driving force:
| (4.34) |
In the equation above, is the angle of the pendulum with the vertical axis, is the damping coefficient, is the pendulum’s natural angular frequency, is the angular frequency of the driving force and is the amplitude of the external angular acceleration caused by the driving force.
In the absence of the driving force, the damping coefficient drives the system to the point , which is an attractor for the system. This continues to happen for small enough , but for the behavior of the system becomes more complicated.
The program that integrates the equations of motion of the system can be obtained by making trivial changes to the program in the file dlo.cpp. This changes are listed in detail below, but we note that X1 , X2 , a_0 . The final program can be found in the file fdp.cpp. It is listed below, with the understanding that the commands in between the dots are the same as in the programs found in the files dlo.cpp, rk.cpp.
The final lines in the program are added so that the angle is kept within the interval .
In order to study the system’s properties we will set , , and unless we explicitly state otherwise. The natural period of the pendulum is whereas that of the driving force is . For , with , the point is an attractor, which means that the pendulum eventually stops at its stable equilibrium point. For the attractor is a closed curve, which means that the pendulum at its steady state oscillates indefinitely without circling through its unstable equilibrium point at . The period of motion is found to be twice that of the driving force. For the attractor is an open curve, because at its steady state the pendulum crosses the point. The period of the motion becomes equal to that of the driving force. For we have period doubling for critical values of , but the trajectory is still periodic. For even larger values of the system enters into a chaotic regime where the trajectories are non periodic. For we find the system in a periodic steady state again, whereas for – we have period doubling. For we enter into a chaotic regime again etc. These results can be seen in figures 4.27–4.29. The reader should construct the bifurcation diagram of the system by solving problem 19 of this chapter.
We can also use the so called Poincaré diagrams in order to study the chaotic behavior of a system. These are obtained by placing a point in phase space when the time is an integer multiple of the period of the driving force. Then, if for example the period of the motion is equal to that of the period of the driving force, the Poincaré diagram consists of only one point. If the period of the motion is an –multiple of the period of the driving force then the Poincaré diagram consists of only points. Therefore, in the period doubling regime, the points of the Poincaré diagram double at each period doubling point. In the chaotic regime, the Poincaré diagram consists of an infinite number of points which belong to sets that have interesting fractal structure. One way to construct the Poincaré diagram numerically, is to process the data of the output file fdp.dat using awk12 :
where $omega, $Nt, $TF are the values of the angular frequency , the number of points of time and the final time . We calculate the period T and the time step dt in the program. Then we print those lines of the file where the time is an integer multiple of the period13 . This is accomplished by the modulo operation $1 % T. The value of the expression $1 % T < dt is true when the remainder of the division of the first column ($1) of the file fdp.dat with the period T is smaller than dt. The results in the chaotic regime are displayed in figure 4.30.
We close this section by discussing another concept that helps us in the analysis of the dynamical properties of the pendulum. This is the concept of the basin of attraction which is the set of initial conditions in phase space that lead the system to a specific attractor. Take for example the case for in the regime where the pendulum at its steady state has a circular trajectory with a positive or negative direction. By taking a large sample of initial conditions and recording the direction of the resulting motion after the transient behavior, we obtain figure 4.31.
Equations (4.11) can be obtained from the Taylor expansion
By adding and subtracting the above equations we obtain which give equations (4.11) From the first equation and equations (4.9) we obtain:
| (4.37) |
When we perform a numerical integration, we are interested in the total error accumulated after integration steps. In this method, these errors must be studied carefully:
| (4.38) |
Therefore the total error is .
We also mention the Velocity Verlet method or the Leapfrog method. In this case we use the velocity explicitly:
The last step uses the acceleration which should depend only on the position and not on the velocity.The Verlet methods are popular in molecular dynamics simulations of many body systems. One of their advantages is that the constraints of the system of particles are easily encoded in the algorithm.
In this appendix we will show how the choice of the intermediate point 2 in equation (4.17) reduces the error by a power of . This choice is special, since by choosing another point (e.g. ) the result would have not been the same. Indeed, from the relation
| (4.40) |
By Taylor expanding around the point we obtain
| (4.41) |
Note that for the vanishing of the term it is necessary to place the intermediate point at time .This is not a unique choice. This can be most easily seen by a different analysis of the Taylor expansion. Expanding around the point we obtain
where we have set , etc. We define and we will determine the conditions so that the terms of the last equation in the error are identical with those of equation (4.43) . By expanding we obtain Substituting in (4.44) we obtain All we need is to choose The choice , , leads to equation (4.19) . Some other choices in the bibliography are and .
| (4.48) |
Take , and calculate its mechanical energy as a function of time. Is it monotonic? Why? (show that ). Repeat for . When is the system oscillating and when it’s not? Calculate numerically the critical value of for which the system passes from a non oscillating to an oscillating regime. Compare your results with the theoretical expectations.
In this chapter we will study the motion of a particle moving on the plane under the influence of a dynamical field. Special emphasis will be given to the study of the motion in a central field, like in the problem of planetary motion and scattering. We also study the motion of two or more interacting particles moving on the plane, which requires the solution of a larger number of dynamical equations. These problems can be solved numerically by using Runge–Kutta integration methods, therefore this chapter extends and applies the numerical methods studied in the previous chapter.
In two dimensions, the initial value problem that we are interested in, is solving the system of equations (4.6)
The 4th order Runge-Kutta method can be programmed by making small modifications of the program in the file rk.cpp. In order to facilitate the study of many different dynamical fields, for each field we put the code of the respective acceleration in a different file. The code which is common for all the forces, namely the user interface and the implementation of the Runge–Kutta method, will be put in the file rk2.cpp. The program that computes the acceleration will be put in a file named rk_XXX.cpp, where XXX is a string of characters that identifies the force. For example, the file rk2_hoc.cpp contains the program computing the acceleration of the simple harmonic oscillator, the file rk2_g.cpp the acceleration of a constant gravitational field etc.
Different force fields will require the use of one or more coupling constants which need to be accessible to the code in the main program and some subroutines. For this reason, we will provide two variables k1, k2 in the global scope which will be accessed by the acceleration functions f3 and f4, the function energy and the main program where the user will enter their. The initial conditions are stored in the variables X10 , X20 , V10 , V20 , and the values of the functions of time will be stored in the arrays X1[P] , X2[P] , V1[P] , V2[P] . The integration is performed by a call to the function RK(Ti,Tf,X10,X20,V10,V20,Nt) The results are written to the file rk2.dat. Each line in this file contains the time, position, velocity and the total mechanical energy, where the energy is calculated by the function energy(t,x1,x2,v1,v2). The code for the function energy, which is different for each force field, is written in the same file with the acceleration. The code for the function RKSTEP(t,x1,x2,x3,x4,dt) should be extended in order to integrate four instead of two functions. The full code is listed below:
Consider a particle in the constant gravitational field near the surface of the earth which moves with constant acceleration so that
| (5.2) |
The particle moves on a parabolic trajectory that depends on the initial conditions
where is the direction of the initial velocity and is the maximum height of the trajectory.The acceleration ( f3 , f4) and the mechanical energy is coded in the file rk2_g.cpp:
In order to calculate a projectile’s trajectory you may use the following commands:
The analysis of the results contained in the file rk2.dat can be done using gnuplot:
The results can be seen in figures 5.1 and 5.2. We note a small increase in the mechanical energy which is due to the accumulation of numerical errors.
We can animate the trajectory by writing a script of gnuplot commands in a file rk2_animate.gpl
Before calling the script, the user must set the values of the variables icount, skip and nlines. Each time gnuplot reads the script, it plots icount number of lines from rk2.dat. Then the script is read again and a new plot is made with skip lines more than the previous one, unless icount < nlines. The plotted “file” "<cat -n rk2.dat" is the standard output (stdout) of the command cat -n rk2.dat which prints to the stdout the contents of the file rk2.dat line by line, together with the line number. Therefore the plot command reads data which are the line number, the time, the coordinate , the coordinate etc. The keyword using in
instructs the plot command to use the 3rd column on the horizontal axis and if the first column is less than icount ($1<= icount) put on the vertical axis the value of the 4th column if the first column is less than icount. Otherwise ($1 > icount) it prints an undefined number (1/0) which makes gnuplot print nothing at all. You may also uncomment the command pause if you want to make the animation slower. In order to run the script from gnuplot, issue the commands
The scripts shown above can be found in the accompanying software. More scripts can be found there that automate many of the boring procedures. The usage of two of these is explained below. The first one is in the file rk2_animate.csh:
The last line is a command that animates a trajectory read from the file rk2.dat. Each animation frame contains 500 more points than the previous one. The option -r calculates the plot range automatically. The option -h prints a short help message.
A more useful script is in the file rk2.csh.
The option -h prints operating instructions. A menu of forces is available, and a choice can be made using the option -f. The rest of the command line consists of the parameters read by the program in rk2.cpp, i.e. the coupling constants k1, k2, the initial conditions x10, x20, v10, v20 and the integration parameters STEPS, t0 and tf. For example, the commands
compute the trajectory of a particle in the constant gravitational field discussed above, the trajectory of an anisotropic harmonic oscillator (k1 = , k2 = ) and the scattering of a particle in a Coulomb field – try them! I hope that you will have enough curiosity to look “under the hood” of the scripts and try to modify them or create new ones. Some advise to the lazy guys: If you need to program your own force field follow the recipe: Write the code of your acceleration field in a file named e.g. rk2_myforce.cpp as we did with rk2_g.cpp. Edit the file rk2.csh and modify the line
(the variable $forcecode may have more entries than the ones shown above). Count the order of the string myforce, which is 6 in our case. In order to access this force field from the command line, use the option -f 6:
Now, we will study the effect of the air resistance on the motion of the projectile. For small velocities this is a force proportional to the velocity , therefore
By taking we obtain the motion of a particle with terminal velocity ( const., ).The acceleration caused by the air resistance is programmed in the file (k1 , k2 ) rk2_vg.cpp:
The results are shown in figure 5.3 where we see the effect of an increasing air resistance on the particle trajectory. The effect of a resistance force of the form is shown in figure 5.4.
Consider the simple planetary model of a “sun” of mass and a planet “earth” at distance from the sun and mass such that . According to Newton’s law of gravity, the earth’s acceleration is
| (5.6) |
where , , . When the hypothesis is not valid, the two body problem is reduced to that of the one body problem with the mass replaced by the reduced mass
| (5.7) |
The force of gravity is conservative and the mechanical energy
| (5.8) |
is conserved. If we choose the origin of the coordinate axes to be the center of the force, the equations of motion (5.6) become
where . This is a system of two coupled differential equations for the functions , . The trajectories are conic sections which are either an ellipse (bound states - “planet”), a parabola (e.g. escape to infinity when the particle starts moving with speed equal to the escape velocity) or a hyperbola (e.g. scattering).Kepler’s third law of planetary motion states that the orbital period of a planet satisfies the equation
| (5.10) |
where is the semi-major axis of the elliptical trajectory. The eccentricity is a measure of the deviation of the trajectory from being circular
| (5.11) |
where is the semi-minor axis. The eccentricity is 0 for the circle and tends to 1 as the ellipse becomes more and more elongated. The foci and are located at a distance from the center of the ellipse. They have the property that for every point on the ellipse
| (5.12) |
The acceleration given to the particle by Newton’s force of gravity is programmed in the file rk2_cb.cpp:
We set k1= and take special care to avoid hitting the center of the force, the singular point at . The same code can be used for the electrostatic Coulomb field with k1= .
At first we study trajectories which are bounded. We set , , , and vary . We measure the period and the length of the semi axes of the resulting ellipse. The results can be found in table 5.1.